What is the difference between SaveEdit and FieldEdit?

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  • Mar 15th, 2005

field editUse- Is used to validate the data fires - when user tries to change the fieldsave editUse - is also used to validate the datafires- when user tries to save the page

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  • May 4th, 2005

FieldEdit validates value in the field. SaveEdit validates all fields on the page.

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  • Jul 20th, 2005

Field Edit peoplecode is fired when you try to change the value of a field on the page and Save Edit peoplecode is fired when you try to save the page. Both validates data but Field Edit peoplecode is used to validate the data for only that particular field which is changed and Save Edit peoplecode is used to validate all the data changes made to the fields on the page.


  • Jun 21st, 2006

Field edit can be used to locally check the syntactial errrors made by end user( mostly). It can be used for conplex checking operations too but rarely.

Save edit is used to check the logical existance or invalid datta inputs.It can be used for conplex checking operations.

Example if a broker  becomes ineffective after a perticualr date, and if some calculations are done after that date, logic can be written in save  edits to stop further processing and help the user identify another broker whose effictive date is valid for the date specified.

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  • Mar 27th, 2008

Save Edit people code performs once the user tries to save the component. It is used to validate data before it is updated on the database.

Field Edit People code is performed after a field has changed and the new value of the field satisfies the standard system edits. This event only fires on the specific field and row that just changed.

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