Why state records are needed?

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  • Mar 9th, 2005

State Records are used to pass parameters and values between the various sections in an Application Engine. State record may be either SQL Table or a Derived Work record

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  • Mar 15th, 2005

state record is a mthod to allocate varilable for ur app.engine programs, using statrecord we can pass values frm one section to another

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Shankar Sinha

  • Mar 29th, 2005

State records are used in Application engine development and customization. Basically they are used to pass the values(variables, database field) from from section to another section, from action to another action.Each application engine can have multiple state record but there will be only one default state record. It can be a SQL table or derived table. All state record ends with _AET.


  • Jun 21st, 2005

The use of State record beside just passing the parameters between different steps of AE, is to enable restart logic. The programmer can program AE by using state record, in such a way that it can be restarted from any point of AE. But to enable the restart, the state record should be physical table and not the derived/work record.

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Sachin Khare

  • Oct 20th, 2005

State record is used for providing the variables, database fields to different sections of the application engine. Scope of the state record is limited to the application engine program. AE can have multiple state records, but can have only one as a default state record.

It can be physical or derived work record. Physical record can be used when you have a restart logic and when you have disables the restart logic derived and work record can be used.

The naming convention is, it must end with _AET identifier and process instance should be the one and the only key for the state record, so that application will identify the record as a state record.

Reena Singhal

  • May 18th, 2006

Good answer Sachin..:) Keep it up!

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  • Jun 18th, 2006

The state records main use is passing values between sections. ONE of the other main resons is to hold the run time parameters passed from a run page as well when application engine is triggered from a run page as also run time pareameters passed from within a peoplecode ust before the app engine is called. THis does not mean the default state record holds only the exact number of fields on the run page. Example AE_EXISTS helps as flag and whoose value can be used for controlling the logic between the execution of SQLS between the sections of the application Engine.

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Ruchi Bhardwaj

  • Aug 21st, 2006

State records are created by app engine program developers. The state records are used to pass vaules from one action to aonther. State records can be considered as temporary storage for online processing.

%Bind is used to retrieve value from ate record.

%select is used to pass values to the state record.

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