Can we able to execute the following statement move a,b toc,d' What will happen ?

Questions by toprakashr

Showing Answers 1 - 13 of 13 Answers


  • Sep 27th, 2005

No,It is not possible to execute this statement,

The syntax for the move is MOVE Identifier-1/Literal-1 to Identifier-2,Identifier-3..

You can move the one value to multiple variables but not multiple values to one variable or multiple values to multiple variables in one statement.



  • Nov 25th, 2005

It will move the values of a to c and b to d respectively, a and b remaining the same. Suppose a is 6, b is 9, c is 1, d is 2,

after execution of MOVE A, B TO C, D

values would be A-6




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  • Mar 16th, 2006

Which one is the correct one...! Anyone let me know? Please....

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Anuja Tiwari

  • Apr 5th, 2006

This will give a compilation error.

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Ramya Krishnamurthy

  • Apr 11th, 2006

We ll not be able to execute the statement... It will give us a error message... As per syntax... we can move 1 variable to many or 1 to i but not many to many or many to one...

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Ramya Krishnamurthy

  • Apr 11th, 2006

No we ll not be able to execute the statement... It ll give us a error message... As per the syntax... We ca move 1 to 1 or 1 to many but we cannot move many to 1 or many to many...

So the statement u r trying to execute is wrong...

u can make seperate move... wat u r trying to do is not possible

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  • Apr 17th, 2006


No we can't execute this statement, it's an error.

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  • Apr 26th, 2006

The Closest group move statement would be MOVE CORRESPONDING.




 02 NAME PIC A(10)

 02 AGE PIC 99



    03 NAME PIC A(10)

    03 AGE PIC 99



However, this can be used only on Group Variables and it'll move the values of the next level variables in Group A to the Group B.

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intiaz ali

  • Oct 14th, 2006

No, we cant able to move by this syntax. its very confusing not only cobol complier but also human being. MOVE A,B TO C,D. Mean what .. a,b values has to move c,d ....

No, while a single sending field can be sent to multiple targets such as

MOVE A to C, D

the only way to send mutiple sending fields to multiple target fields is via a MOVE CORRESPONDING.

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  • Jul 27th, 2011

one to many possible

many to many not possible

many to one not possible

many to many not possible

Babjee Talluri

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