Define Bug Life Cycle?What is Metrics

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  • Oct 3rd, 2005

When we find out the bug, we will put into the ?open? status. After fixing the bug developer change the status as ?fixed?. Again we will test the fixed part, if there is no bug, change the bug status as ?Closed? other wise change the bug status as ?Reopen?.


A s/w metric defines the a standard method of measuring certain attributes of the process or the product or the service.


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  • Oct 8th, 2005

 hi this is surendra

                        the answer to ur query is  when tester found the bug for first time the status is NEW and then report the defect in buh racking tool the status is OPEN ,  then the developer  fixes the defect and changes the staus to RESOLVED , then tester retest it to check it correctly fixed or not . and hegives it status as CLOSED.  if the same defect raises status is  REOPEN


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  • Oct 24th, 2005

The different stages that a defect undergoes during the test life cycle of an application.

The various stages the a defect changes are

New: when a bug is found for the first time.

Open: when the bug is assigned to Test lead or Developer

Fixed : when the defect is solved

retest: when the defect is retested after fixed by the developer.

Duplicate: When the same defect is raised for more than one time by the same tester or else other

Deffered: A defect that can be fixed in the next release build or version

reject: when the developer does n't accept with tester


  • Oct 24th, 2005

Bug Life Cycle - When error, goof, glitch or bug has been identified in the software going under test. The defect should be reported to the log file manually or to the automated management tool. Once this has been submitted to the system. Based on the severity level of the defect it can be fix by its priority level. It should assign back to the developer for fixes. Once it fixed this should be retested again to make sure the error is not reproduce able.  

Metrics - Metrics is a tool that can be use to track progress of the testin life cycle. Metrics allow to keep track of the test development, test execution and test restults. It keeps aware management and tester of the testing progress.


  • Oct 27th, 2005

What is a Bug Life Cycle?

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  • Nov 2nd, 2005

bug detection

bug analysis

bug fixing

bug analysis

bug closure

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  • Nov 2nd, 2005

bug detection

bug analysis

bug fixing

bug analysis

bug closure

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  • Nov 4th, 2005

Bug life cycle begins when the bug is found by the tester and it will send to the developer, developer fix the bug ,after fixing the bug he will resend to tester , tester test the bug again if the bug is fixed , it will be closed if not it will reopen and again he will send the bug to the developer .That is the Bug life cycle.


  • Nov 7th, 2005

Whenever I find a bug I would check it 3 or 4 times before logging it as a bug. I use Test Director as a bug tracking tool. If I find a bug I would log that bug and attach the snap shots of it, and also information like where it occurred, under what circumstances, and the test data given, and then send it to the developer. Then the status of the bug will be given as NEW. When the developer sees it he would change the status to OPEN, which means he is working on fixing the bug. Once the bug is fixed, he would change the status to FIXED. And I would test the application again by doing regression testing. If I am satisfied I would close the bug and the new status of the bug will be CLOSED. If I am not satisfied I would re-open the bug and here the status will be RE-OPEN.

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  • Nov 11th, 2005

Metrics is the system that deals with the tasks in quatifying the details to have the clarity over it to deside whether the task is profitable.


  • Nov 16th, 2005

1. find a defect in the system.2. Write the steps to reproduce, actual result, expected result, hardware used.3. Log the bug into the defect tracking system like Silk Radar.4. The status of Bug now is Open for QA.5. Now it It is confirmed by some other QE member.6. After confirmation, its status changes to the Open for Development.7. It is then assigned to developer's inbox in the deftect tracking system.8. Developer fixes the bug and Mark it is Fixed.9. Now again bug status changes to the Open for QA.10 Now QE member who filed the defect, test the bug as per steps to reproduce.11 IF the bug is fixed, The bug is closed.12 If the bug is not fixed, it is rejected and it again goes to developer's inbos.13 Unless the bug is fixed, Same procedure is followed given after step 8.


  • Nov 25th, 2005

Metric is a mathematical Number that shows a relationship between two variables.

A quantitative measure of the degree to which a system component or process possess a given attribute.

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The Bug life cycle starts when the tester found a bug. It's as follows

New/Open: When developer found Bug at first time

Fixed: When developer accepts the Bug is Bug

Testers Errors: When developer not accept the Bug and it's Tester side error . ie it's not a bug according to FRS.

Hold:There is a clash between Developer and Test engineer about the bug.

Reopen: When the bug is again arised even the Developer change the status of the Bug as 'Fixed'

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Uttam Thakur

  • Dec 5th, 2005

  The Bug Life Cycle::

                    1)       Tester found bug.

                                (Open)                                 ...........Status

        [Tester give the brief and where the actual Problem occuers in a document]


2)    Bug is assign to the developer ,devloper takes the problem right from there and try to fix or fix it.

                           (Open)                 .............Status


 3)    After fixing bug it again assign to Tester for retesting or regression testing.


                                   (Open)         ................Status

4)  Tester retest or regression test that the problem is resolved or bug is fixed and ensure that it is fixed and there is no more effect of that particular bug.

                                       (closed) .........................Status

5)  Now Bug is closed(Status) that it get fixed.

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  • Dec 5th, 2005

There are Four stages of bug Life Cycle:

                        1)    Tester Found Bug.

[ he give a detailed discription of that bug and where it actually occures]

                               Status( OPEN)

                  2) Bug is assign to the programmer .

[ Programmer get the information provided by the tester in a Document and take the right there where the actual problem occurs]

                                   ( OPEN)

                   3) Programmer fix the Bug and send it back to the tester for retesting or reresssion testing.

                                        ( OPEN)

                  4) After retesting or regression testing Tester ansure that the Bug is fixed and it is no  more effective,Tester now close the bug.


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  • Jan 5th, 2006

New,close etc are the status of bugs.Life cycle is:- 1.Bug detection 2.Bug reproducible 3. Bug reporting. 4.bug fixing 5.Bug resolving 6.Bug closingMetrics also refers to traceability matrix which is a document that helps to trace the requirements and also verify whether the testcases developed are mapping all the requirements

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  • Feb 15th, 2006

Bug Life Cycle :Bug Life Cycle starts with bug detection by the testing team and is checked out whether the bug is reproduceable continuously or rarely. After confirming this, bug is reported to the development team. There will be a triage meeting in which QA lead is explaining the bug to the development team while development team lead is asking questions. Here the bug may be accepted/rejected/deferred based on various factors. Once it is accepted as a bug by the development team, then development team will assign this bug to the appropriate person to fix it. After fixing it, they will subimit it to the QA team. They will conduct regression testing to check out whether the bug is fixed properly or not. If is it fixed, the bug will be closed else the cycle repeats until the bug is fixed.Detecting the bug ( birth place of the bug )Reproducing bug ( checking whether it is reproduceable or not )Reporting the bug ( through IEEE format )Bug fixing ( Accepted/Rejected/Deferred )Bug ResolvingBug Closing ( death stage of the bug )

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pravesh gupta

  • Mar 16th, 2006

When a Bug found

1. Lock the bug using bug tracking tool

Status Follows:

2. New - Tester

3. Open - Developer While removing

4. Fix - When removed and go to back to tester for retest

5. Closed - Tester finds that bug has removed


5. ReOpen - Not Fixed By Tester

6. Reject - By Dev Senior - That this is not bug.

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  • Apr 9th, 2006

bug life cycle steps:1)detect defect2)reproduce defect3)report defect4)bug fixing 5)bug resolving6)bug closing


  • Apr 14th, 2006

u r correct surendra but it's not necessary that everytime developer fixes the bug sometimes the status given by developer could be defer/ not a bug /pending also due to some reasons.

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  • Apr 24th, 2006

Defect detection

Defect repoducivity

Defect fixing

BUg Resolving

Bug closing through regression

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  • Jun 29th, 2006


excelent and clear answer


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  • Oct 15th, 2006


Bug Life Cycle: If Test Director is used for tracking defects then

Report Defects

Set Repair Priorities

Repair Open Defects

Test New Build

Analyze Defect Data.


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  • Jul 6th, 2007

Bug Life Cycle:

1. Finding the bug.
2. Reporting the bug - status - open.
3. fixing the bug
4. retesting the bug
5. closed -if the bug is no more bug.
6. reopen if the bug is still open.

Metric :

In Quality Assurance, the quality of the product is measured in metrics.

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  • May 12th, 2008

The Bug since it is detected goes through many phases .
The moment it is discovered it is in the NEW state.
Then there is a discussion between the testing team and the development team where it is decided that whether it is actually a defect or not .In case it is concluded that there is a defect(drfit from the expected result), the defect moves to OPEN state.
The development team then fixes the defect and it goes for Re-Testing. If the defect is removed , then it goes to the Fixed state . After Re-Testing we often perform Regression Testing, to ensure that no other defect has come up due to the changes made . In case the Regression Test passes successfully, the defect moves to the CLOSES/TERMINATED state. 

Metrics :

Software metrics are numerical data related to software development. Metrics strongly support software project management activities. They relate to the four functions of management as follows:

1. Planning - Metrics serve as a basis of cost estimating, training planning, resource planning, scheduling, and budgeting.

2. Organizing - Size and schedule metrics influence a project's organization.

3. Controlling - Metrics are used to status and track software development activities for compliance to plans.

4. Improving - Metrics are used as a tool for process improvement and to identify where improvement efforts should be concentrated and measure the effects of process improvement efforts.

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Hi All

Bug life cycle starts when the defect is reported by the Tester.The various stages of Bug Life cycle are:
1. OPEN: When defect is found and reported
2. ASSIGN: When defect is assigned to the development team after discussion with the PL.
3.FIXED : The Developer fixes the defect
4. RETEST: The Tester has to confirm that the fixes are completed by the Develper
5.CLOSED: When the team accepts that the bug is fixed.
 There can be a DEFERRED or Duplicate state when the defect can be fixed in next release or is a duplicate issue reported.


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The different stages that a defect undergoes during the test life cycle of an

The various stages the a defect changes are
New: when a bug is found for the first time.
Open: when the bug is assigned to Test lead or Developer
Fixed: when the defect is solved
Retest: when the defect is retested after fixed by the developer.
Duplicate: When the same defect is raised for more than one time by the same
tester or else other
Deffered: A defect that can be fixed in the next release build or version
Reject: when the developer does not accept with tester
some others are also the part of defect life cycle.

2- Inprogress
3-Awaiting Sign-off
8- After XSLT/UAT deploy

Awaiting Sign-off
Passed & Closed
Failed/ Refix
Invalid/ Closed
After XSLT/ UAT Deploy

Metrics - Metrics is a tool that can be use to track progress of the testing
life cycle. Metrics allow to keep track of the test development test execution
and test results.
It keeps aware management and tester of the testing progress

Bug Life Cycle:

New : Logged the bug by TE

Open: After review it by team lead then changed it's status to open

Fixed : Once dev agree with that he can change the status to fixed once fixed that issue

Closed: If issue was fixed properly then TE will retest it then he will closed it

Re-open: If Issue was not fixed properly then TE can change the status to Re-open

Deffered: If issue is out of scope, or dev thought that he can do it in next release then he can change the status to Deffered.

In-progress: If issue still under process of fixing the dev will change status to Inprogress

Not a bug: If issue was not an issue then dev will change status to NOt a bug

Not Reproduceble: If issue was not able to reproduce as per steps given by TE then will change status to NOt Reproducable.

Metrics: Quantifying the work in terms of excel sheets.

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