Name the four different cursor and locking types in ADO and describe them briefly

Questions by Beena   answers by Beena

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Cursor types:1. Forwardonly, 2. Static, 3. Keyset 4. Dyanmic

Lock types : 1. lockpessimistic, 2. lockoptimistic,3. lockbatchoptimistic 4. lockreadonly

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Sanjay Kumar Dalai

  • Dec 4th, 2006

Dear All,Four type of Cursor 1.Satic 2.KeySet 3.Dynamic 4. Forwar Only .

Static Cursor :

we can't delete,update and Insert data.It can't display any modification of data by other users.This one faster for access data.

KeySet Cursor:

we can't delete,update and Insert data.It can only display Delete data by other users but not insert or update.This one faster for access data.

Dynamic Cursor:

we can delete,update and Insert data.It can  Display insert,update Delete data by other users .This one Slower for access data.

Forward Only Cursor:

we can't delete,update and Insert data.It can't display any modification of data by other users.This one faster for access data.Cursor move only forward.

Different Type of Lock Types:

1.Lock pesimistic

2.Lock Optimistic

3.Lock read Only

4.Lock Batch Optimistic

1.Lock pesimistic :we record set open pesimistic,the table only lock at time of  data  modification.This one more flexible beacuse other user can simultaneously work in same table.

2.Lock Optimistic:we record set open Optimistic,the table only lock at time of  open table.This one not more flexible beacuse other user can't simultaneously work in same table.

3.Lock read Only:we record set open read only,Any modification can't be done  over its.

4.Batch Optimistic:This type of Lock only open in disconnect record set.a volume of data modification at a time.


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