Explain Memory Partitioning, Paging, Segmentation?

Questions by Beena   answers by Beena

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  • Oct 17th, 2005

PAGING: Paging memory allocation algorithms divide computer memory into small partitions, and allocates memory using a page as the smallest building block.

SEGMENTAION: Segmentation means that a part or parts of the memory will be sealed off from the currently running process, through the use of hardware registers. If the data that is about to be read or written to is outside the permitted address space of that process, a segmentation fault will result.

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Navneet Kumar

  • Jun 2nd, 2006

Paging:-This is smallest part of vartual memory.In that memory is divided into equal parts.for e.g:-4k,4k,4k----.Suppose when processor have need 10k data than in this process three 4k,4k,4k memoty will provide.So inthat case 2k memory is westage.But this fater to search out.

Segment:-This is part of vartual memory.But memory is not divided into equal parts.for eg:-If process have need 10k data in this case only one box of 10k will be allocated.So in that there is no westage of memory.But this slower to search out.


  • Jun 9th, 2006

explain segmentation and paging?

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Memory Partitioning- means partitioning the memory into small units or blocks & load the data or code into the blocks, & use this data & code when required by a process.

Paging- is a techique to manage the memory in the form of equal soze of blocks called pages. Only those pages which are having the data, required by a process, will be loaded to memory not the entire file. This allow the OS to execute even very large processe which requires more memory that your system can't load the entire process at once.

Segmentation- is a technique of memory menagement, mainly introduces for memory protection, where memory is devided into variable size of chunks called segments.

arbin pun

  • Jan 31st, 2014

Segmentation eliminates internal fragmentation, but it suffers from external fragmentation. Since process is broken into a number of smaller process external fragmentation should be less.

partitions are of variable length and number. When a process commences, it occupies a partition of exactly the required size, and no more.

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