What are your solution strategies for "Dining Philosophers Problem”?

Questions by Beena   answers by Beena

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers


  • Oct 17th, 2005

/* here is a c code may help u 

 by suraj */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "msecond.h"
#include "random_int.h"

#define NUM_PHILOSOPHERS 5 /* Must be 5 */
#define MEAN_THINK_TIME 1000 /* avg think time in milliseconds */
#define MEAN_EAT_TIME 750 /* avg eat time in milliseconds */

* Global (shared) variables.
float total_time_spent_waiting = 0.0;
int   total_number_of_meals = 0;


* Macros to encapsulate the POSIX semaphore functions.
#define semaphore_create(s,v) sem_init( &s, 0, v )
#define semaphore_wait(s) sem_wait( &s )
#define semaphore_signal(s) sem_post( &s )
#define semaphore_release(s) sem_destroy( &s )
typedef sem_t semaphore;

* Each chopstick is represented by a semaphore.  We also need a semaphore
* to control screen accesses so that only one thread at a time can write to
* it, and another semaphore to control modifications of the shared variables.
semaphore chopstick[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS];
semaphore screen;
semaphore mutex;


* Define data and routines for screen management
int  screen_row[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] = {  6,  2,  2,  6, 10 };
int  screen_col[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] = { 31, 36, 44, 49, 40 };
int  chopstick_row[5] = {  9,  4,  3,  4,  9 };
int  chopstick_col[5] = { 35, 33, 40, 47, 45 };
char chopstick_sym[5] = { '/', '\\', '|', '/', '\\' };

* The following macros are used for screen management using ANSI escape
* sequences.  In the case of position_flush() a trailing newline is sent to
* flush the output stream - of course this changes the cursor location.
#define cls() printf( "\033[H\033[J" )
#define position(row,col) printf( "\033[%d;%dH", (row), (col) )
#define position_flush(row,col) printf( "\033[%d;%dH\n", (row), (col) )

void init_screen( void )
/* Draw an initial representation of the philosophers' "world" on the screen */
    int i;

     * Draw rice bowl
    position( 6, 37 );
    printf( "\\     /" );
    position( 7, 38 );
    printf( "\\___/" );

     * Print philosopher numbers at their locations.  Show "eat_count" as 0.
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++ )
position( screen_row[i], screen_col[i] );
printf( "%d", i );
position( screen_row[i] + 1, screen_col[i] - 1 );
printf( "(%d)", 0 );
position( chopstick_row[i], chopstick_col[i] );
printf( "%c", chopstick_sym[i] );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );

void draw_thinking( int n )
/* Display T for "thinking" at the appropriate location */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( screen_row[n], screen_col[n] );
    printf( "\033[33mT\033[0m" );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );

void draw_hungry( int n )
/* Display H for "hungry" at the appropriate location */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( screen_row[n], screen_col[n] );
    printf( "\033[34mH\033[0m" );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );

void draw_eating( int n, int eat_count )
/* Display E for "eating" and the meal count at the appropriate location */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( screen_row[n], screen_col[n] );
    printf( "\033[31mE\033[0m" );
    position( screen_row[n] + 1, screen_col[n] - 1 );
    printf( "(%d)", eat_count );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );

void draw_chopstick_up( int n )
/* Display a blank where the chopstick should be if it where on the table */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( chopstick_row[n], chopstick_col[n] );
    printf( "%c", ' ' );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );

void draw_chopstick_down( int n )
/* Display the chopstick on the table */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( chopstick_row[n], chopstick_col[n] );
    printf( "\033[32m%c\033[0m", chopstick_sym[n] );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );

void draw_done( int n )
/* Display D for "done" at the appropriate location */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( screen_row[n], screen_col[n] );
    printf( "D" );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );


void obtain_chopsticks( int n )
* To obtain his chopsticks, a philosopher does a semaphore wait on each.
* Alternating order prevents deadlock.
    if ( n % 2 == 0 ) {
/* Even number: Left, then right */
semaphore_wait( chopstick[(n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] );
draw_chopstick_up( (n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS );
semaphore_wait( chopstick[n] );
draw_chopstick_up( n );
    } else {
/* Odd number: Right, then left */
semaphore_wait( chopstick[n] );
draw_chopstick_up( n );
semaphore_wait( chopstick[(n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] );
draw_chopstick_up( (n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS );

void release_chopsticks( int n )
* To release his chopsticks, a philosopher does a semaphore signal on each.
* Order does not matter.
    draw_chopstick_down( n );
    semaphore_signal( chopstick[n] );
    draw_chopstick_down( (n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS );
    semaphore_signal( chopstick[(n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] );


void philosopher( int *philosopher_data )
* Simulate a philosopher - endlessly cycling between eating and thinking
* until his "life" is over.  Since this is called via pthread_create(), it
* must accept a single argument which is a pointer to something.  In this
* case the argument is a pointer to an array of two integers.  The first
* is the philosopher number and the second is the duration (in seconds)
* that the philosopher sits at the table.
    int start_time;
    int eat_count = 0;
    int total_hungry_time = 0;
    int became_hungry_time;

    int n = philosopher_data[0];
    int duration = philosopher_data[1];

     * Record starting time.  msecond() returns zero the first time it
     * is called.
    start_time = msecond();

    while( msecond() - start_time < duration * 1000 )
/* Hungry */

became_hungry_time = msecond();
draw_hungry( n );
        obtain_chopsticks( n );

/* Eating */

total_hungry_time += ( msecond() - became_hungry_time );
draw_eating( n, eat_count );
usleep( 1000L * random_int( MEAN_EAT_TIME ) ); /* microseconds */
release_chopsticks( n );

/* Think */

draw_thinking( n );
usleep( 1000L * random_int( MEAN_THINK_TIME ) );/* microseconds */

    /* Done */
    draw_done( n );

    /* Update the shared variable database */

    semaphore_wait( mutex );
    total_number_of_meals += eat_count;
    total_time_spent_waiting += ( total_hungry_time / 1000.0 );
    semaphore_signal( mutex );
    pthread_exit( NULL );


int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    pthread_t phil[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS];
    int philosopher_data[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS][2];
    int duration;
    int i;

     * The duration is specified as the first parameter on the command line.
     * If it was not there then set the lifetime to 10.
    duration = ( argc > 1 ? atoi( argv[1] ) : 10 );

     * Create semaphores to represent "one user at a time" chopsticks, plus
     * one to protect the screen and one to protect shared variables. 

    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++ )
if ( semaphore_create( chopstick[i], 1 ) < 0 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "cannot create chopstick semaphore\n" );
    exit( 1 );

    if ( semaphore_create( screen, 1 ) < 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "cannot create screen semaphore\n" );
exit( 1 );

    if ( semaphore_create( mutex, 1 ) < 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "cannot create mutex semaphore\n" );
exit( 1 );

     * Initialize the display and create a thread for each philosopher.
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++ )
philosopher_data[i][0] = i;
philosopher_data[i][1] = duration;
if ( pthread_create( &phil[i], NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) &philosopher,
     &philosopher_data[i] ) != 0 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "cannot create thread for philosopher %d\n", i );
    exit( 1 );

     * Wait for the philosophers to finish.
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++ )
pthread_join( phil[i], NULL );

     * Release semaphore resources.
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++ )
semaphore_release( chopstick[i] );
    semaphore_release( screen );
    semaphore_release( mutex );

     * Produce the final report.
    position( 13, 1 );   
    printf( "Total meals served = %d\n", total_number_of_meals );
    printf( "Average hungry time = %f\n",
total_time_spent_waiting / total_number_of_meals );

    return 0;

  Was this answer useful?  Yes


  • Oct 17th, 2005

/* here is a c code may help u 

 by suraj */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "msecond.h"
#include "random_int.h"

#define NUM_PHILOSOPHERS 5 /* Must be 5 */
#define MEAN_THINK_TIME 1000 /* avg think time in milliseconds */
#define MEAN_EAT_TIME 750 /* avg eat time in milliseconds */

* Global (shared) variables.
float total_time_spent_waiting = 0.0;
int   total_number_of_meals = 0;


* Macros to encapsulate the POSIX semaphore functions.
#define semaphore_create(s,v) sem_init( &s, 0, v )
#define semaphore_wait(s) sem_wait( &s )
#define semaphore_signal(s) sem_post( &s )
#define semaphore_release(s) sem_destroy( &s )
typedef sem_t semaphore;

* Each chopstick is represented by a semaphore.  We also need a semaphore
* to control screen accesses so that only one thread at a time can write to
* it, and another semaphore to control modifications of the shared variables.
semaphore chopstick[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS];
semaphore screen;
semaphore mutex;


* Define data and routines for screen management
int  screen_row[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] = {  6,  2,  2,  6, 10 };
int  screen_col[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] = { 31, 36, 44, 49, 40 };
int  chopstick_row[5] = {  9,  4,  3,  4,  9 };
int  chopstick_col[5] = { 35, 33, 40, 47, 45 };
char chopstick_sym[5] = { '/', '\\', '|', '/', '\\' };

* The following macros are used for screen management using ANSI escape
* sequences.  In the case of position_flush() a trailing newline is sent to
* flush the output stream - of course this changes the cursor location.
#define cls() printf( "\033[H\033[J" )
#define position(row,col) printf( "\033[%d;%dH", (row), (col) )
#define position_flush(row,col) printf( "\033[%d;%dH\n", (row), (col) )

void init_screen( void )
/* Draw an initial representation of the philosophers' "world" on the screen */
    int i;

     * Draw rice bowl
    position( 6, 37 );
    printf( "\\     /" );
    position( 7, 38 );
    printf( "\\___/" );

     * Print philosopher numbers at their locations.  Show "eat_count" as 0.
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++ )
position( screen_row[i], screen_col[i] );
printf( "%d", i );
position( screen_row[i] + 1, screen_col[i] - 1 );
printf( "(%d)", 0 );
position( chopstick_row[i], chopstick_col[i] );
printf( "%c", chopstick_sym[i] );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );

void draw_thinking( int n )
/* Display T for "thinking" at the appropriate location */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( screen_row[n], screen_col[n] );
    printf( "\033[33mT\033[0m" );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );

void draw_hungry( int n )
/* Display H for "hungry" at the appropriate location */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( screen_row[n], screen_col[n] );
    printf( "\033[34mH\033[0m" );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );

void draw_eating( int n, int eat_count )
/* Display E for "eating" and the meal count at the appropriate location */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( screen_row[n], screen_col[n] );
    printf( "\033[31mE\033[0m" );
    position( screen_row[n] + 1, screen_col[n] - 1 );
    printf( "(%d)", eat_count );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );

void draw_chopstick_up( int n )
/* Display a blank where the chopstick should be if it where on the table */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( chopstick_row[n], chopstick_col[n] );
    printf( "%c", ' ' );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );

void draw_chopstick_down( int n )
/* Display the chopstick on the table */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( chopstick_row[n], chopstick_col[n] );
    printf( "\033[32m%c\033[0m", chopstick_sym[n] );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );

void draw_done( int n )
/* Display D for "done" at the appropriate location */
    semaphore_wait( screen );
    position( screen_row[n], screen_col[n] );
    printf( "D" );
    position_flush( 13, 1 );
    semaphore_signal( screen );


void obtain_chopsticks( int n )
* To obtain his chopsticks, a philosopher does a semaphore wait on each.
* Alternating order prevents deadlock.
    if ( n % 2 == 0 ) {
/* Even number: Left, then right */
semaphore_wait( chopstick[(n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] );
draw_chopstick_up( (n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS );
semaphore_wait( chopstick[n] );
draw_chopstick_up( n );
    } else {
/* Odd number: Right, then left */
semaphore_wait( chopstick[n] );
draw_chopstick_up( n );
semaphore_wait( chopstick[(n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] );
draw_chopstick_up( (n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS );

void release_chopsticks( int n )
* To release his chopsticks, a philosopher does a semaphore signal on each.
* Order does not matter.
    draw_chopstick_down( n );
    semaphore_signal( chopstick[n] );
    draw_chopstick_down( (n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS );
    semaphore_signal( chopstick[(n+1) % NUM_PHILOSOPHERS] );


void philosopher( int *philosopher_data )
* Simulate a philosopher - endlessly cycling between eating and thinking
* until his "life" is over.  Since this is called via pthread_create(), it
* must accept a single argument which is a pointer to something.  In this
* case the argument is a pointer to an array of two integers.  The first
* is the philosopher number and the second is the duration (in seconds)
* that the philosopher sits at the table.
    int start_time;
    int eat_count = 0;
    int total_hungry_time = 0;
    int became_hungry_time;

    int n = philosopher_data[0];
    int duration = philosopher_data[1];

     * Record starting time.  msecond() returns zero the first time it
     * is called.
    start_time = msecond();

    while( msecond() - start_time < duration * 1000 )
/* Hungry */

became_hungry_time = msecond();
draw_hungry( n );
        obtain_chopsticks( n );

/* Eating */

total_hungry_time += ( msecond() - became_hungry_time );
draw_eating( n, eat_count );
usleep( 1000L * random_int( MEAN_EAT_TIME ) ); /* microseconds */
release_chopsticks( n );

/* Think */

draw_thinking( n );
usleep( 1000L * random_int( MEAN_THINK_TIME ) );/* microseconds */

    /* Done */
    draw_done( n );

    /* Update the shared variable database */

    semaphore_wait( mutex );
    total_number_of_meals += eat_count;
    total_time_spent_waiting += ( total_hungry_time / 1000.0 );
    semaphore_signal( mutex );
    pthread_exit( NULL );


int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    pthread_t phil[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS];
    int philosopher_data[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS][2];
    int duration;
    int i;

     * The duration is specified as the first parameter on the command line.
     * If it was not there then set the lifetime to 10.
    duration = ( argc > 1 ? atoi( argv[1] ) : 10 );

     * Create semaphores to represent "one user at a time" chopsticks, plus
     * one to protect the screen and one to protect shared variables. 

    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++ )
if ( semaphore_create( chopstick[i], 1 ) < 0 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "cannot create chopstick semaphore\n" );
    exit( 1 );

    if ( semaphore_create( screen, 1 ) < 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "cannot create screen semaphore\n" );
exit( 1 );

    if ( semaphore_create( mutex, 1 ) < 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "cannot create mutex semaphore\n" );
exit( 1 );

     * Initialize the display and create a thread for each philosopher.
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++ )
philosopher_data[i][0] = i;
philosopher_data[i][1] = duration;
if ( pthread_create( &phil[i], NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) &philosopher,
     &philosopher_data[i] ) != 0 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "cannot create thread for philosopher %d\n", i );
    exit( 1 );

     * Wait for the philosophers to finish.
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++ )
pthread_join( phil[i], NULL );

     * Release semaphore resources.
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++ )
semaphore_release( chopstick[i] );
    semaphore_release( screen );
    semaphore_release( mutex );

     * Produce the final report.
    position( 13, 1 );   
    printf( "Total meals served = %d\n", total_number_of_meals );
    printf( "Average hungry time = %f\n",
total_time_spent_waiting / total_number_of_meals );

    return 0;

  Was this answer useful?  Yes


  • Oct 17th, 2005

P: philoshofer

f1: forks

One solution is to order the forks and require the philosophers to pick the forks up in increasing order. In this solution the philosophers are labeled P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 and the forks are likewise labeled F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5. The first philosopher (P1) will pick up the first fork (F1) before he is allowed to pick up the second fork (F2). Philosophers P2 through P4 will behave in a similar fashion, picking up the fork Fx before picking up fork Fx+1. Philosopher P5 however picks up fork F1 before picking up fork F5. This change in behavior for P5 creates an asymmetry that prevents deadlock.

Prevention of starvation is dependent on the method of mutualexclusion enforcement employed. Implementations using sniplock or busy waiting  can cause starvation through timing problems inherent in these methods. Other methods of mutual exclusion that utilize queues  can prevent starvation by enforcing equal access to a fork by the adjacent philosophers.

This solution can also be generalized to allow for an arbitrary number of agents (A1...Am) needing access to an arbitrary number of resources (R1...Rn) requiring exclusive access. Under this solution all agents must abide by the following rules:

  1. All agents must request access to the resources in increasing order (i.e. Access to R3 must be acquired before requesting access to R4).
  2. If an agent has access to a resource Rx and needs access to resource Ry it must release Rx before making the request if x > y. Example: The agent controls resources R2, R5, R9, R15, and R20. It must release R15 and R20 before requesting access to R12.

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