What is the differences between Oracle8i and 9i?

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  • Oct 26th, 2005

Can drop a column in oracle 9i but can't do the same in oracle 8i

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  • Nov 13th, 2005

Hi column can be dropped in 8i in later versions too Ex 8.1.6


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  • Dec 2nd, 2005

1)User defined datatypes are applicable only for oracle 9i but not oracle 8i.

2)datatype for character large object is LONG for oracle 8i but it is LOBS for oracle9i.

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  • Jan 7th, 2006

I would like to add some more differences b/w 8i and 9i

1. Column rename is not possible in 8i

2. We dont have CUBE and ROLLUP functions in 8i

3. We dont have merge statement in 8i

4. We dont have the datatype timestamp with local timezone in 8i

5. From DBA Side - We cannot dynamically set the size of sga in 8i without shutting down the instance

and lots more

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rajat dey

  • Feb 9th, 2006

difference are -

sql level - cube , rollup, case expression , insert all , merge,list partition

dba level - dynamically u can add parameter in pfile /spfile without restarting the database

example alter system set db_block_buffer=value scope=/path/spfile

new parameter db_block_buffer instead of db_buffer_cache in oracle 8i

UNDO table space management,

while creating user in 9i automatically considered in temp tablespace

while adding datafile in temp tablespace

u have to add alter tablepace temp add "tempfile " instead of datafile

table next extent is auto management , pctfree and pctused we can use along with table creation .

stat pack is the new performnce monitaring tool .

u can moniter inedx using alter index indexname monitering usage

or new table user_objects for index.

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The main difference between oracle 8i and oracle 9i is

the oracle 9i debugging java stored procedrure.

Some features that's not available in oracle 8i.

in oracle 9i merge case,table column name change,Ansi join syntax,

Pawan Ahuja

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  • May 5th, 2006

hi all,

    there is major diff between oracle 8i &  9i

tht's JOINTs ..........in oracle 8i there are equi joint,non-equi joint,cantesion  joint,self joint,outer joint............... in oracle 9i natural ,inner,right,left,full joints come...........   the difference is tht we can't use left,right joint in oracle 8i at same time 2 retrive data but we can retrive data in oracle 9i by using full joint  

 select  e.lastname,e.deptid,.deptname from employee e

full outer join department d on( e.deptid=d.deptid) ;

 this query retrieves all rows in emp table even if there no match in the dept table it also retrieves all rows in dept table even if there is no match in te emp table

& this is not possible in oracle 8i  

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leela krishna

  • May 11th, 2006

-Supports advanced features of Java,

-Merge, multiple inserts, rename column,

-9i joins, new built-ins, scalar queries etc., are included in oracle9i

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sandeep vaishy

  • Jul 21st, 2006

dear sashi there is also CUBE and ROLLUP clause in oracle 8i.which version are you taking about.

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  • Sep 11th, 2006

ora8i doesnt follow all codd rules but ora9i follows all the 12 rules of codd

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Ajay Kumar

  • Mar 21st, 2007

9i it supports the Jdeveloper and Application server where 8i doesn't

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