Is java a fully object oriented programming or not? if not why?

Questions by Beena   answers by Beena

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  • Member Since Jul-2008 | Aug 4th, 2008

No. Java is not 100 % Pure OOP because of following three reasons:
1) It doesnot support Multiple inheritance.
2) It allows use of primitive data types which are not an objects.
3) It allows static methods to call without creating the instance.

This disobeys OOPs concepts 
Java isnt 100% pure OOPS coz if it were then everything should be classes and objects, whereas java still has primitive data type which violates the above said statement...SmallTalk is the only 100% pure OOPS language

Showing Answers 1 - 75 of 81 Answers

vinod arya

  • Sep 17th, 2005

no, Java is not, as it allows to import packages which are not part of program

as import test.*;

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sunil belurgikar

  • Sep 29th, 2005

No,Because it has data types like int,float,double,char etc. whose objects can't be created unless used in a wrapper class like Integer or Float

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Devidas Sonawane

  • Oct 21st, 2005

Java is not Fully Object Oriented langauge b'caz of it has Primitive Datatypes like float, int, char etc.


  • Mar 10th, 2006


vinod arya

 Exactly I did not get you by import test.*;

How its related to Object Orientation

Will you expain me briefly.

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  • Jul 7th, 2006

By means of the primitive datatype, How do you tell that Java is not 100% OOPS language. Can you give the details.

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  • Apr 3rd, 2007

As Java is not pure object oriented language coz,
static variables exists as it is not associated with any objects of the classes
it has only one copy of the value that is shared by all objects of a particular class

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  • Aug 3rd, 2008

No. Java is not 100 % Pure OOP because of following three reasons:
1) It doesnot support Multiple inheritance.
2) It allows use of primitive data types which are not an objects.
3) It allows static methods to call without creating the instance.

This disobeys OOPs concepts 
Java isnt 100% pure OOPS coz if it were then everything should be classes and objects, whereas java still has primitive data type which violates the above said statement...SmallTalk is the only 100% pure OOPS language

Pradeep Singh

  • Aug 6th, 2011

yes. Java is fully object oriented programming language

According to you Java is not 100% pure object oriented programming because of the following three reasons:

1. it does not support multiple inheritance
2. it allows use of primitive data types which are not an object
3. It allows static methods to call without creating the instance

here is the explanation for the points you have mentioned reasoning why I do not agree with your explanation.

1. Java does not allow you to extend two or more classes in one class but you can use multiple inheritance by interface.

2. you can also use wrapper class. It's not a strong point to decide that the Java is not fully object oriented programming language.

3. I do not agree with the third point also you can use instance method, variables

to conclude, java is full OOP language, if you have any other reason which is specifies that Java is not 100% OOP then let me know.

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  • Aug 10th, 2011

no,because it uses primitive datatypes like int ,char,float.....etc

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  • Aug 10th, 2011

java is fully object oriented. Even if java has primitive datatypes, these types are used inside a class and never outside of it. So, they are part of class. See the API specifications on the class: 'Class'.java specifies says that all the arrays and the primitive java types and the keyword void are also represented as objects of the class "class'.

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  • Sep 3rd, 2011

Yes Java is fully object oriented programing wecan't write any Java program without using class and fundamental data types are the objects of predefiened class "Class" and they are used in inside the class, in Java there is no friend function concept so above reasons Java is fully object oriented programming.

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  • May 15th, 2012

Pradeep, Does java supports Switch/Case trype of branching? Is this an OOPS concept?


  • Jun 14th, 2012

No java is not a fully object oriented lang becoz it doesnt allow to make all the things as a object just an example is if java will be fully object oriented then we need to write int i=10 in the form of an object so its not fully object oriented lang

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Mohammed Ashraf

  • Jun 28th, 2012

Java is 100% object oriented one as we are using wrapper classes(in java) which converts primitive data type into derived objects

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  • Aug 1st, 2012

No,Because in Java we are useing Primitive data types. and Java does not supports multiple inheritance. inheritance is the one main concept of OOP.So we can say Java is 99.99% OOPL not 100% OOPL.

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  • Aug 9th, 2012

No. Because there is no multiple inheritance in java. Multiple inheritance is the one of the OOP concepts. so we cant say 100%.

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  • Aug 10th, 2012

Yes java is fully object oriented as it follows all the three OOP principles(Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism).
& yes it also supports multiple inheritance with the help of interfaces.

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kirti dixit

  • Aug 25th, 2012

Java is fully object oriented. Even if Java has primitive datatypes, these types are used inside a class and never outside of it. So, they are part of class. See the API specifications on the class: specifies says that all the arrays and the primitive java types and the keyword void are also represented as objects of the class "class.

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  • Sep 9th, 2012

java is not pure object oriented programming language because it supports primitive data types not as objects

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  • Sep 18th, 2012

Java s a purely object oriented programming.. it converts the primitive data types into objects by using wrapper class..

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  • Sep 19th, 2012

Java Is not fully object oriented because it not support the multiple inheritance

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Devapangu Mangaiah

  • Sep 24th, 2012

It is depending on perspecive view of the programmer. If we consider the old languages like C, C++, Java is pure objective oriented language. But when we consider Java is alone, it is not a pure object oriented language.

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  • Oct 7th, 2012

Java is not a pure object oriented programming because it supports primitive data types.

  1. span style="color: #0000ff;">"the result is="+c);

  2. }

  3. }

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  • Nov 6th, 2012

I am a strong supporter that Java is a object oriented concept
because we cant develop a single program without class
and class is a basic entity of OOPS concept.

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Muhammed Younus Attari

  • Nov 28th, 2012

In order to support Programming language as an Object Oriented Programing Language ,following principles must be followed
a)Encapsulation b)Abstraction c)Polymorphisum d)Inheritence

following example says that Java Supports all the features mentioned above.

class Demo extends Object { //Inheritence extends, class -->Encapsulation
public static void main(String arg[]){
int x=10;
System.out.print("the value of x is "); //polymorphisum sysout() for different method overloading
System.out.println(x); //Abstraction

  1. span style="font-style: italic;">//Inheritence extends, class -->Encapsulation

  2. "the value of x is  ");                          //polymorphisum sysout() for different method overloading

  3. //Abstraction

  4. }

  5. }

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  • Dec 6th, 2012

java is complete object oriented but not pure because of PUBLIC STATIC VOID MAIN(STRING ARGS[])
here main is method. to execute a method ew need object but here we are not creating object for main method.
we are using static key word to execute main method.

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  • Dec 10th, 2012

Java is not 100% fully object oriented programing language because of primitive datatypes.. Java supports primitive data types for variables.


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Praveen Kumar

  • Dec 13th, 2012

Yes java is a fully object oriented programming language.., It supports almost all the major features from OO approach like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, abstraction etc, But one bug about Java is seriously You have to stick to java once U start with it, I mean U cannot import functions/codes/libraries return in other programming languages.

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  • Jun 7th, 2013

No, 100% sure Java is not fully object oriented programming language. Because multiple inheritance is one of the main concept in oops. But java doesnt support multiple inheritance and it uses primitive data types. hence its not object oriented language

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Java is not a fully Object Oriented Language because in OOB all the things should be done by Object only but in JAVA we are failing to do that(To be frank intentionally they did that)......For example see the primary datatypes i.e int,char,float ...etc, All these datatypes are not Objects, We can say this is a best example why the JAVA is not fully Object Oriented Language.

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  • Aug 5th, 2014

actually you are said that java cant create objects for integer,float....
but according to autoboxing concept we can create object for that value

Integer i=new Integer(1000); //autoboxing
we can use this reference to get "i" value...

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Taha Zayed

  • Jan 21st, 2017

Java is a pure object oriented as it provides
1) Encapsulation
2) Inheritance
3) Polymorphism
But not fully as you can access attribute public attribute and the main idea is to hide data by methods.
C++ also pure (not fully) as it supports multiple inheritance.
The only known (at least to me) fully OOP is Small talk as it prevents you from breaking the 3 principles.

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Taha Zayed

  • Jan 21st, 2017

Java is a not pure object oriented (not fully) as it provides
1) Encapsulation
2) Inheritance
3) Polymorphism
But not fully as you can access attribute public attribute and the main idea is to hide data by methods.
C++ also pure (not fully) as it supports multiple inheritance.
The only known (at least to me) fully OOP is Small talk as it prevents you from breaking the 3 principles.

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  • Mar 1st, 2018

No, Java is not pure object oriented language because java supports primitive data type so java is not a pure OOP language. A pure language is totally based on object and classes so Java is not a pure object oriented language.

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Amit Kumar

  • May 21st, 2018

Sorry, I am completely agree that java is a pure object oriented language. First of all answer me one question , what do you mean by object oriented programming ? object oriented programming is a concept which has certain rules and principles. if any language follow that rules that we can call it as object oriented language. As compared to C++ and Java , in C++ it supports multiple inheritance, but java don't support. literary one child having multiple parents is not legal, so hope you can get what is my point.

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  • Jun 6th, 2019

Java is not a pure object oriented programming language because of the primitive data type.
But java can be made 100% object oriented programming language by making use of wrapper classes.

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