What are CLR, CTS and CLS?

Questions by Srikanth   answers by Srikanth

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers

vishnu bobade

  • Sep 14th, 2005

See definition for common language runtime.
See definition for Common Language Specification.
common type system
The specification that determines how the common language runtime defines, uses, and manages types.
common language runtime
The engine at the core of managed code execution. The runtime supplies managed code with services such as cross-language integration, code access security, object lifetime management, and debugging and profiling support.
Common Language Specification (CLS)
A subset of language features that is supported by a broad set of compliant tools. CLS-compliant components and tools are guaranteed to interoperate with other CLS-compliant components and tools. See also: CLS-compliant.

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Vipul Grover

  • Sep 17th, 2005

CLR: It refers to Common Language Runtime in .NET environment.It is an integral part of the .NET framework and provides functionality like Automatic Memory Management(Garbage Collection),Common Type Safety,Security etc.

The code is converted into MSIL(MicrSoft Intermediate Language) in CLR.


CTS: It refers to Common Type Safety in .NET environment.It ensures the fact that all the data types require the same amount of memory space in the memory like a variable declared as INT should occupy same memory across all the languages supported by .NET


CLS:It means Common Language Specification, it is a subset oh CTS and ensures interoperability between the languages in .NET environment

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arun thakur

  • Oct 11th, 2005




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  • Oct 23rd, 2005

CLR: COmmon language runtime is the first layer in .net framework and it is responsible for .net base services(memory management,garbagecollection,exception handling and multithreading).this is contained in the MScorEE.dll and all .net applications call a function in this dll when they begin executing.

CTS: Common type specification is consists a set of specifications tht are to be satisfied by each language.this ensures about interoperability

CLS:commom language specification is a subset of CTS and it consists of set of specifications required and to be satisfied by each language in order to be said as .net compliant language.these rules talk about pointers,inheritance(multiple inheritance not supported by .net etc)

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M.Azhar Iqbal

  • Oct 24th, 2005

CLR: Common Language Runtime is a mechanism through with .Net code is executed.it is not only responsible to execute the code its also compiles the code just before the execution.CLR convert our code into MSIL.this MSIL is also binary code but it is machine independed.

CTS: Common Type System ensure the languages interoperability, language integration.

CLS:  Basically MSIL can be generated from any human readable language but it must be Common language Specification  complaint language.


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  • Nov 9th, 2005

A subset of language features supported by the common language runtime, including features common to several object-oriented programming languages. CLS-compliant components and tools are guaranteed to interoperate with other CLS-compliant components and tools.

The engine at the core of managed code execution. The runtime supplies managed code with services such as cross-language integration, code access security, object lifetime management, and debugging and profiling support.

The specification that determines how the common language runtime defines, uses, and manages types.

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  • Jun 10th, 2006

Vipul Grover Wrote:

CLR: It refers to Common Language Runtime in .NET environment.It is an integral part of the .NET framework and provides functionality like Automatic Memory Management(Garbage Collection),Common Type Safety,Security etc.

The code is converted into MSIL(MicrSoft Intermediate Language) in CLR.


CTS: It refers to Common Type Safety in .NET environment.It ensures the fact that all the data types require the same amount of memory space in the memory like a variable declared as INT should occupy same memory across all the languages supported by .NET


CLS:It means Common Language Specification, it is a subset oh CTS and ensures interoperability between the languages in .NET environment

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