What is .NET?

According to Microsoft, .NET is a "revolutionary new platform, built on open Internet protocols and standards, with tools and services that meld computing and communications in new ways".
A more practical definition would be that .NET is a new environment for developing and running software applications, featuring ease of development of web-based services, rich standard run-time services available to components written in a variety of programming languages, and inter-language and inter-machine interoperability.

Questions by Srikanth   answers by Srikanth

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Sep 19th, 2005


i want .net materials for easy understand and cover .net materilas

if any web site and reports please send to me.

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sumit singla

  • Aug 19th, 2006

.net is a new framework for building the distributed web applications.

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  • Oct 4th, 2007

.NET is an XML Web Services platform which allows us to build a rich .NET application,it means which allows users to interact with internet using smart devices like Tablet devices,pocket PCs or web phones etc.

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  • Oct 19th, 2007

According to Microsoft, .NET is a "revolutionary new platform, built on open Internet protocols and standards, with tools and services that meld computing and communications in new ways".
A more practical definition would be that .NET is a new environment for developing and running software applications, featuring ease of development of web-based services, rich standard run-time services available to components written in a variety of programming languages, and inter-language and inter-machine interoperability. 

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