What is the difference between SYSTEM TESTING and END-TO-END TESTING ?

Questions by jilanibashasd

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers

Satya Prakash.

  • Oct 4th, 2005

System testing is the phase of software testing in which the complete system is tested. It follows Integration testing.

End to End testing is the testing of the application for all the possible scenarios. It is someway related to Exhaustive testing of the application. however, this can not be done in practise as they are more time consuming.

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  • Apr 23rd, 2007

System testing is done to ensure that the system functionality is as per the requirements.

End to end testing is a set up that looks more like the real time process and testing to make sure that the data flow right from the initial input level to the final output level is as per the specifications.

End to end testing is considered as mocro level of testing done after system and integration testing.


  • Jul 3rd, 2007

system testing includes usability testing and functional and nonfunctional.
in non-functional we get end to end testing or intersystem testing ,it is connecting front end of one system to back end of other system .

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  • Aug 15th, 2007

System testing is?a blackbox type of testing that encompasses all system functionality & verifies that the system requirements are met as specified. You have to really think from a customers perspective and test the application.

End to End testing is a macro end of testing, involves a testing of a complete application enviornment in a situation ?that mimics a real word user.

system testing
        it overall test the integrated system and verifies that whether it is meeting the customer requirement or not.

End to End testing
          functionality testing
          check for hardware intruption
          check for network accessibility
          check for performance 
          check for operating system

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System Testing: Ater receiving a software buid from the development team,The testing team is conducting system testing with the help of black box testing techniques.
There are three levels in system testing.
1.Usability testing.
2.Functional testing.
3.Non functional testing.

End to End testing:
It is also call as inter system testing,During this the test engineers are validating weather our application build is co-existing with other s/e's in customers site to share commom resources or not.

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System Testing refers to testing of an integrated system to verify that it meets the customer requirements.

End to End Testing refers to testing of a transaction or business level product as they pass through the computer system. The main objective of end to end testing is to ensure that all the components of the software product are integrated properly and that right information passes through them.

System testing: considering the total application as a single component and verifying how this component is interacting with other components (like OS, Word, etc).

System testing consists of performance, functional, security, end to end testing, etc.

End to End Testing: is a series of events with end to end transactions from a business point of view

System Testing: Once all the required modules developed, integrated, then doing testing on whole modules is called system testing.

E2E testing: End-to-end testing is the process of testing transactions or business level products as they pass right through the computer systems. Thus this generally ensures that all aspects of the business are supported by the systems under test.

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