How can we take various inputs from user as int,char,string,float etc ?

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Sep 19th, 2005

U can't get inputs as different datatypes u can get them as String only after getting them u can convert them using the Integer.parseInt() same for float .For char u better use a for loop and get string character by character and store iti in array.use charAt() method

Devidas Sonawane

  • Oct 27th, 2005

By using StringReader we access parameter as String and by type-casting  into it into (Integer.parseInt(variable_name)) int, float, char, double, long etc. U don't get parameter as primitive type use Wrapper classes.

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Devidas Sonawane

  • Oct 27th, 2005

By using BufferedReader we access parameter as String and by type-casting  into it into (Integer.parseInt(variable_name)) int, float, char, double, long etc. U don't get parameter as primitive type use Wrapper classes

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  • Jun 27th, 2006

You can take input parameters using method for all premitive datatypes.

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  • May 21st, 2007

Can you say how to take input parameters of any primitive type using method by giving some examples.

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Firstly take the User input as String using the BufferedReader API.Call br.readLine();

Once you get the input Use .ValueOf method for conversion.


String MyString;
BufferedReader br = ............;
MyString = br.readLine();
Integer INTVALUE = Integer.ValueOf(MyString);

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  • Oct 12th, 2011

example we get input for integer,
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int variable_name = scan.nextInt();

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