What is difference between data stage and informatica

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  • Sep 11th, 2005

Here is a very good articles on these differences... whic hhelps to get an idea.. basically it's depends on what you are tring to accomplish

what are the requirements for your ETL tool?

Do you have large sequential files (1 million rows, for example) that need to be compared every day versus yesterday?

If so, then ask how each vendor would do that. Think about what process they are going to do. Are they requiring you to load yesterday?s file into a table and do lookups?

If so, RUN!! Are they doing a match/merge routine that knows how to process this in sequential files? Then maybe they are the right one. It all depends on what you need the ETL to do.

If you are small enough in your data sets, then either would probably be OK.


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  • Jun 30th, 2009

Automation of loading is supported partly in Informatica so third party tools are needed to achieve this, while data stage supports automation of loading fully.

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