What are User Exits ?

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Ranajit Sahoo

  • Aug 23rd, 2005

A user exit is a C subroutine written by you and called by Oracle Forms to do special-purpose processing. You can embed SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks in your user exit, then precompile it as you would a host program. 
When called by an Oracle Forms V3 trigger, the user exit runs, then returns a status code to Oracle Forms. Your exit can display messages on the Oracle Forms status line, get and set field values, do high-speed computations and table lookups, and manipulate Oracle data. 
To incorporate a user exit into a form, you take the following steps: 
Write the user exit in Pro*C.  
Precompile the source code.  
Compile the. c file from step 2.  
Use the GENXTB utility to create a database table, IAPXTB. 
Use the GENXTB form in SQL*Forms to insert your user exit information into the table.  
Use the GENXTB utility to read the information from the table and create an IAPXIT source code module. Then compile the source code module.  
Create a new SQL*Forms executable by linking the standard SQL*Forms modules, your user exit object, and the IAPXIT object created in step 6.  
In the form, define a trigger to call the user exit 
Instruct operators to use the new IAP when running the form. This is unnecessary if the new IAP replaces the standard one.

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  • Aug 23rd, 2005

Userexits are ProC code library. Once the user exit is called, then the control goes into the library. This has been very stable.

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Devi Prasad Mishra

  • Sep 30th, 2005

User Exits is a program which is used to pass the control from the Report Builder to a third generation language for performing complex calculations and returning the value back to the Report Builder.


  • Sep 16th, 2008

A user exit is a program that you write and then link into the Report Builder executable or user exit DLL files. You build user exits when you want to pass control from Report Builder to a program you have written, which performs some function, and then returns control to Report Builder.

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