What are forms customization steps ?

The steps are as follows :
· Copy the template.fmb and Appstand.fmb from AU_TOP/forms/us.Put it in custom directory. The libraries (FNDSQF, APPCORE, APPDAYPK, GLOBE, CUSTOM, JE, JA, JL, VERT) are automatically attached .
· Create or open new Forms. Then customize.
· Save this Form in Corresponding Modules.

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers


  • Dec 6th, 2005


For form customization we need to download the template.fmb in binary format from AU_TOP directory.

Then rename template.fmb to the your form name and start customizing it.

Upload the form into AU_TOP/forms/US

Compile the form.

Copy the form into respective custom top as INV_TOP, PO_TOP etc.

For registering in apps -

Register form --> Register function --> Register Menu -->

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  • Feb 4th, 2007

how to Copy the form into respective custom top as INV_TOP?

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To upload a form in a particular directory you have to use Unix box for the same. Put the form in home directory thru FTP, then to copy form from home directory to the custom directory like CS_TOP you have to use the following command:cp .fmb $/forms/USThis will copy the form in the directory, then you can compile the form using f60gen command. the syntax is as follows: f60gen .fmb apps/appsthis will compile the form.

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