Define Quality - bug free, Functionality working or both?

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  • Aug 13th, 2005

Conformance to the user requirements and specifications


  • Aug 25th, 2005

Quality: The degree to which a product performs as advertised, without flaws and without unnecessary complications 
Also for finding bugs and making sure they (bugs)get fixed and stay fixed. 


  • Aug 25th, 2005

quality has to be balanced with time constraints

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Quality : The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that satisfy stated or implied needs and also conformance of requirements.

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  • Oct 5th, 2005


Quality is some what dependent on requirements,  If the product is  released as per user requirements and, doesn?t have the complications, I would say, it is a quality product.


Bug-free :  If the product is reached 80% of the user requirements and, as long as there are no dangerous severity and priority bugs, the product could be considered as bug-free


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  • Jun 6th, 2006

it is not always possible to fix all the reported bugs before releasing a product. So what we can do is fix all the defects with high sevierity before the release to meet the deadline and then release another version or a patch with all the bugs fixed.

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  • Jul 11th, 2006


Quality has 2 definations

According to customer's point of view

"Quality is thing which is FIT TO USE"

& according to producer's point of view

"Quality is to get maximum output in minimum use of Resorses"


  • Jul 27th, 2006

Quality software is 1) Reasonably bug-free2) Delivered on time3) Within Budget4) Maintainable


Quality is conformance to requirements, Degree of Excellence and Measuring as per specifications. Quality software is reasonably bug-free, delivered on time and within budget, meets requirements and/or expectations, and is maintainable.


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  • Mar 5th, 2007

Generally Quality is defined as not only the justification of requirements but also the presence of value in it. Value in this context means that it should be user friendly. User friendly means both bug free and functionally perfect.


  • Apr 3rd, 2007

Quality : means degree  of Excellence. Quality SW is one which is delivered on time,one which meets the customer requirements.Also it is a subjective term.It can mean usability,maintainabilty,portable,defect free etc. Delivering Right thing at Right time at Right location at Right cost.


  • May 2nd, 2007

Quality has two working definitions:

Producer’s Viewpoint – The quality of the product meets the requirements.

Customer’s Viewpoint – The quality of the product is “fit for use” or meets the customer’s needs.

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  • Jul 6th, 2007

Quality is meeting the requirements , delivering bug free product , delivering the product on time.

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bunty prakash

  • Aug 7th, 2007

There are many qualities that should be in our software. We categorise these qualities in three ways.

1. Operational qualities

2. Revisional qualities

3. Transition qualities

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  • Aug 15th, 2007

Quality has two perspective
Producers perspective: To the producer,
A product is a quality product if it meets or conforms to the statement of requirements that defines the product.

Meeting Requirements and? From a customer?s perspective, quality means ?fit for use.?

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  • Oct 3rd, 2007

But if user needs or it's basic requirements are not taken into account then this whole defination fails because qaulity is mostly and basically depends upon confirmance to the requirements.

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  • Nov 17th, 2007

Quality=customer satisfaction+bug free application+with in budget+with in time+good functionality+all the requirement should be passed

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Hi, Quality-it means to provide a correct,complite,durable, s/w according to clint requrment.Or complite testable.

Bug free-it is comes under quality,that means provide bug free s/w to clint means that s/w complite testable.

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  • Jun 3rd, 2008

Software Quality is defined reasonably bugfree, delivered on time and within budget, meets the requirements and/or expectations and is maintainable.
Quality is defined as the conformance to the specification of the customer. Not only presence of the requirements or absence of the defects, but also presence of Value.

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Quality of an application or product means it is delivered within budget, within time, without bugs
Without bugs means definitely the functionality will be working.

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Quality bug free: Its nothing but a software which is free from all the defects along with having a good quality in all aspects like functionlaty robust performance wise ui style wise every thing.If the above features are perfect then we will call a software build as a quality bug free build

Functionality working:A softwwre build  working with all of its functionlaties but it might be out from robust performance and ui style wise then we can call it as a functionality working build

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The answer to this question depends on the vantage point you are taking. 

From a software company's point of view, quality is conformance to requirements and specifications.  From a Quality Assurance point of view, quality is the absence of defects.  However, from a customer's point of view, quality may be a totally different thing altogether.  Here, quality can be said to be the customers' perception of the value of a suppliers' work output.  Ultimately, it is the customer who defines quality.

A product only called be quality product: if--

1. Should follow up all basic standard guidelines
2. It should fulfill all customer requirements
3. Should be function well from all aspects(tested well)
4. Bugs to be solved(all functional and guiany enhancemnets issues should be open but withiut closing gui and functionality issues you can't provide a Quality product

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Quality Software Deliverable means:
1. Delieverable meets User/Customer Requirements.
2. Reasonably Bug-Free Software.
3. Delivered within defined Timeline & Budget.
4. Easily Maintainable. Also, Less Post Release Maintainence Activity, thus reducing Cost.

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  • Feb 18th, 2011

Quality of the software is what the client pays for. It means it should perform the intended functions without any major flaws.

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