You've been asked to prepare a bill for services. What information should be included in the bill?

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  • Apr 27th, 2006

Service Provider's Details (i.e) Organations name and address.

Service Receiver's Details (i.e) Organations name and address.

Details of the service (i.e) for eg: Advertisement charges/Dying charges

Tax (i.e) Service Tax on total chargable amount and cess or sur-charge on service tax.

And if there is any Expenses or abatements incurred by the service receiver less all those things and calculate service Tax and the cess for the balance amount.


  • Sep 19th, 2008

Client name with address, client service tax no, bill no, bill date, bill description (for what charged, types of services, period of services), amount, service tax, total inclusive tax, signature, and support or proof for the service rendered, service acceptence letter or contract duly mentioned with period.

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