1. Create a TLD file and configure the required class Information.
2. Create the Java Implementation Source extending the JSP Tag Lib Class (TagSupport).
3. Compile and package it as loosed class file or as a jar under lib folder in Web Archive File for Class loading.
4. Place the TLD file under the WEB-INF folder.
5. Add reference to the tag library in the web.xml file.
What are the steps required in adding a JSP Tag Libraries?
1. Create a TLD file and configure the required class Information.
2. Create the Java Implementation Source extending the JSP Tag Lib Class (TagSupport).
3. Compile and package it as loosed class file or as a jar under lib folder in Web Archive File for Class loading.
4. Place the TLD file under the WEB-INF folder.
5. Add reference to the tag library in the web.xml file.
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