A sum 's' is divided into 4 parts. Second person gets Rs10 more than first. Third person gets Rs10 more than second, fourth gets Rs10 more than third. How much amount do first person gets.


This question is related to Wipro Interview

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  • Sep 4th, 2006

 can u explain this ans... i think the answer should be (s-30)/4
  but can u just tell me how could the ans be (s-60)/4.

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  • Oct 4th, 2006

let the first part of s be x.then the 2nd, 3rd and 4th parts wud be x+10, x+20, x+30 respectively.thus s= (x)+(x+10)+(x+20)+(x+30) = 4x + 60Thus, x = (s-60)/4Hope this clears ur doubt.

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