How do you implement a new testing process in a company

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  • Jul 13th, 2005

what is the diffrence betwen silk versions5.0,and 6.5,and7.0

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  • Jul 26th, 2005

pls give answer for the above question 

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partha tripathy

  • Sep 26th, 2005

according to me the new form being adopted in a copmpany just tests the ability and skill of a person as well as it brings some type of interests in all to try for the best put up of there own in onw way people in a company work with full dedication,devotion and determination for a good rapo and it too helps company in field of its progress.

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  • Jul 13th, 2006

It mainly depends on the size of the organization.

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  • Jun 29th, 2007

Implementation of testing process is vary depends on company requirements.
To implement any process as per my
experience need lots of efforts.
1) First study all existing process and
2) Find out process which suits organizations needs.
3) Check out pros and cons of process , time
required to implement, time required to migrate from current (if any) to new process, time required for training to all
employees who are going to follow process.

When we finalize process and various stages of process. Try out with one small project to check outputs and then slowly move all projects to follow new process.

The process implementation is all depends up on current project company client..

If the current process is not in a right way then we can for 2nd one... which should be approved by both management and client.

Ex: First need to think in which area takes much time than actual time?

Here we can suggest a new process

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How do you implement a new testing process in a company?

You do it like this:
1) Discover a problem or a need for improvement
2) Research ways to resolve the problem or satisfy this need
3) Learn everything you can about it
    a) Its benefits to the company
    b) Its costs to the company
    c) How to implement it
    d) How to measure its value
4) Sell your idea to key stakeholders
5) Create enthusiasm for this change among those who are directly impacted by it
6) Implement it
7) Measure results
8) Report your findings

The ease of implementing a new testing process depends on:
1) Resources required to implement it
2) Time required to implement it
3) Its perceived value to the company by key stakeholders

The success of your implementation depends on:
1) Your ability to sell the process to those who are needed to make it happen
2) Your ability to keep people motivated throughout your project
3) Your ability to make it happen in a timely manner
4) Your ability to prove its worth after initial implementation

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You do it like this:
1) Discover a problem or a need for improvement
2) Research ways to resolve the problem or satisfy this need
3) Learn everything you can about it
    a) Its benefit to the company
    b) Its costs to the company
    c) How to implement it
    d) How to measure its value
4) Sell your idea to key stakeholders
5) Create enthusiasm for this change among those who will benefit by it
6) Implement it
7) Measure results
8) Report your findings

The ease of implementing a new testing process depends on:
1) Resources required to implement it
2) Time required to implement it
3) Its perceived value to company by key stakeholders

The success of your implementation depends on:
1) Your ability to sell the process to those who are needed to make it happen
2) Your ability to keep people motivated throughout your project
3) Your ability to make it happen in a timely manner
4) Your ability to prove its worth after initial implementation

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