Load Testing - What should be analyzed.

To determine the performance of the system following objectives to be calculated.

1) Response time -: The time in which system responds to a transaction i.e., the time interval between submission of request and receiving response.
2) Think time -: Time taken to select new transaction after response for previous transaction is received.
3)Workload-: Work submitted to system by end user.
4)Throughput-:No of transactions done per unit time.
5) Transaction mix -: In every applications ,certain transactions are executed more frequently than others this varying execution frequency of various transaction type creates transaction mix

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers


  • Oct 14th, 2005

response time :it is time interavl btn a tranction   and think time  the time taken to open a page after clicking that...

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  • Dec 13th, 2006

We measure the response times of various transactions at varying loads

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  • Apr 30th, 2007

We analyze a number of things in load testing, to name a few:

1. Response times - Do they appear consistent, or is there any degrade over a period of time/Are they higher than what is expected
2. Performance of the hardware components - midtier server or the application server, http server, and the database server. The CPU utilization, JVM memory heap of the application server, and the CPU of database server are important for assessing the performance.

Anila Philip

  • Oct 3rd, 2012

->For a testing a manual tester must add lot of documents and test the work flow , locked or not
->Test the system performance[ie,wen adding more documents it affects system speed or performance]

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