When should we use ODS?

DWH's are typically read only, batch updated on a schedule

ODS's are maintained in more real time, trickle fed constantly

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An opearation data store contains the data which are constantly updated through the course of the business operations.
ODS is specially designed such that it can quickly perform relatively simply queries on smaller volumes of data such as finding orders of a customer or looking for available items in the retails store.

Hece,ODS should be used where the smaller volume of data is required (generally 30 to 60 days old data only) which could allow faster retrieval of data by making use of simple queries.This data would be constantly upadatable as per the recent changes/updates.

An ODS is similar to your short term memory in that it stores only very recent information; in comparison, the data warehouse is more like long term memory in that it stores relatively permanent information.

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