Difference between TCP and UDP?

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  • Jul 15th, 2005

TCP -Transmission Control Protocol -It is a Protocol used in connection oriented networks  
UDP - User Datagram Protocol - It is a protocol used in connectionless networks Here the data is transfered as packets.

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  • Jul 25th, 2005

TCP-Transmission Control Protocol. 
Protocol responsible for control over Transmission of data over the network. 
It breaks the data into packets. 
It supports error correction. 
UDP-User Datagram Protocol 
It also breaks the data into packets like the TCP. 
But it does not support error correction.

Vivek Chethan

  • Jul 25th, 2005

TCP-Transmission Control Protocol.TCP is a connection-oriented protocol.  
A connection can be made from client to server, and from then on any data can be sent along that connection. 
It supports error correction in the transmitted data. 
So it is a reliable protocol. 
UDP-User Datagram Protocol 
A simpler message-based connectionless protocol. Using UDP we can send packets of data across the network. But it does not support error correction in the transmitted data. 
So it is not a reliable protocol like TCP. 

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Vivek Chethan

  • Jul 25th, 2005

TCP-Transmission Control Protocol.TCP is a connection-oriented protocol.  
A connection can be made from client to server, and from then on any data can be sent along that connection. 
It supports error correction in the transmitted data. 
So it is a reliable protocol. 
UDP-User Datagram Protocol 
A simpler message-based connectionless protocol. Using UDP we can send packets of data across the network. But it does not support error correction in the transmitted data. 
So it is not a reliable protocol like TCP. 

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  • Jul 30th, 2005

TCP-Transmission Control Protocol.It is synchronous in nature.It supports error correction. 
UDP-User Datagram Protocol.It is asynchronous in nature.It do not support error correction.

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Anoop Nair

  • Oct 28th, 2005

The main difference between TCP and UDP is, TCP is connection orinted protocol means it will get an acknoldgement for the packet it has forwarded

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  • Nov 3rd, 2005

UDP is also faster than TCP- partially because it does not require an acknowledgement of reciept. However the difference is in the milliseconds and not normally a factor.

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  • Nov 4th, 2005

In addition, UDP is the protocol that you would usually use with voice application.  If voice doesn't go through on the first try, there is no reason to resubmit, since a voice byte will lose it's value if it late, therefore you have no reason to need an acknowledgement of reciept.

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  • Feb 10th, 2006

TCP-Not Used for real time applications

UDP-Mostly used for real time applications

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  • Sep 26th, 2006

TCP is a protocol based on a connection between two computers. It is used for normal Internet traffic and applications such as web servers, Ftp, etc.

UDP is a Protocol based on connectionless communication. UDP is ideal for applications like video streaming and online gaming, where lost packets don't need to bre retransmitted and speed takes precedence.

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  • Jan 2nd, 2007

TCP having reliable transmission than UDP udp doesnot having the reliabletransmission through out the network

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  • Jun 6th, 2007

To Phanindra,
Sir how do you say for realtime UDP is use and not the TCP.
Can you explain me how?
Helps me to decide in my real time application 


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Rahul Dhal

  • Aug 19th, 2011

connection oriented protocol connectionless protocol
more reliable less reliable
error correction no error correction

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Rahul william

  • Sep 1st, 2011

TCP is a connection oriented protocol and UDP is a connection less protocol such as wireless phones.

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  • Sep 17th, 2011

TCP gives acknowledgement to the recipients where as UDP does not give any acknowledgement to the recipients.

UDP is faster the TCP.

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