How is serialization implemented in Java

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Ashutosh Gupta

  • Jun 26th, 2005

A particular class has to implement an Interface for implementing serialization.


  • Jul 27th, 2005

What is serialization

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satyendra chaudhary

  • Jul 30th, 2005

Implementing Serializable marks the class as being capable of conversion into a self-describing byte stream that can be used to reconstruct an exact copy of the serialized object when the object is read back from the stream.  

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  • Aug 12th, 2005

Serialization means saving the State of an Object. It is saved in a file.

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serialization is process of writing a state into byte stream




FileOutputStream f=new FileOutputStream("rajendra.ser");

ObjectOutputStream o=new ObjectOutpuptStream(f);



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  • Jun 24th, 2006

serialization is implemented by java.lang.seriaizable interface it does not have any methods so it is tagged interface.

it means transferring object in to the byte form for maintaing persistance within object. restoring the object is done by deseralization.


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  • Mar 29th, 2007

Serialization is the process of writting the state of a object to a linear byte stream.It can be done by implementing the interface.In general every interface contains undefined methods.But here in serializable interface we will not have any,it is called as Marker or Tagged interface.

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  • Apr 17th, 2007

By either implementing the Serializable or Externalizable interface. If your object implements the Externalizable interface, you have to override readExternal and writeExternal. These methods give you finer control over how the state of an object is stored on a stream. The writeObject() method triggers the writeExternal and the readObject invokes the readExternal methods on this interface.

In case a parent class is not serilizable but the child class is, then the parent class's members have to be serialized manually in the overridden readExternal and writeExternal methods.

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  • May 17th, 2007


Saving Object's state to a sequence of bytes. Objects can be serialized to files like .txt, .xml etc.

ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("serialize.txt"));



XMLEncoder out = new XMLEncoder(new BufferedOutputStream(
    new FileOutputStream("serialize.xml")));

In the first case the class which you want to serialize has to implement serializable interface and also should have a constructor  (since during serialization the values of the datamemebers are saved to the file) but in case of the second one the class which has to be serialized should implement the interface serializable, also should have a default constructor and finally it should have the getter and setter methods complying to java bean standards (since during serialization the values of the datamembers are saved to the file based on the methods).

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Rajesh G

  • Aug 3rd, 2007

Serialization is the mechanism of converting the state of an object to stream of bytes to a persistant storage area(file). By making an object serializable we are making the object as network enabled.


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