Explain the keywords - native, transient, volatile, finally

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Pankaj Dwivedi

  • Jun 16th, 2005

A transient variable is a variable that may not be serialized.

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  • Jul 4th, 2005

Final variale cannnot be changed.. 
Final method cannot be overriddden.. 
Final class cannot be derived.

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Mahamood Akhtar

  • Jul 10th, 2005

A volatile variable keeps associated value, until the execution of a thread. We can use the same variable name with volatile keyword in diffenrent threads of a program.

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srinivasa Reddy

  • Aug 4th, 2005

The Finally block is excuted just prior to gc().We can write some housekeeping operations like file close or connection close etc

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Sisodiya Pramod

  • Aug 16th, 2005

native: to use methods which written in other language. 
transient:if u declare state of class as trasient then it's not saved in persistent area.  
volatile: this is not optimized at the time of optimization because it's value may be changed implicitly or explicitly. 
finally: finally is used to do work prior of closing the program because of exception. It's always called by compiler either exception genrated or not.


  • Sep 1st, 2005

tell about serialisation 
inform the tools reqd for j2ee projects

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  • Sep 23rd, 2005

Native : when you want to get functionality from particular language like c/c++ native is used

Transient : it is state of which value doesnt persist

volatile : is an indication to the compiler that the value may be changed by the program some where else

finally : is used in conjunction to try catch block

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saranya chowdary

  • Sep 29th, 2005

native:when you want to get functionality from particular language like c/c++ native is used

Transient : it is state of which value doesnt persist

 volatile : is an indication to the compiler that the value may be changed by the program some where else

final: can be used for variable,method and for class. final variables acts as constant. final methods can not be overridden. final class can not have sub class.

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Siva Prasad Ashwini

  • Oct 17th, 2005

native:when you want to get functionality from particular language like c/c++ native is usedTransient : it is state of which value doesnt persist volatile : is an indication to the compiler that the value may be changed by the program some where

Finally:--If u want some statement should execute compulsory then put all in finally block(ex-closing data base connection which is a costly task)If at all an exception occurs finally block executes.

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Native :- Specifies that the code that should be implemented is writtern in a language other than JAVA
Transient :- Specifies that the associated variable should NOT be serialized
Volatile :- directs the compiler not to use any optimization techiniques to retreive the value of associated variable as it might be very frequently changing
Finally :- is a block of statments that gets executed everytime the try block is completed and/or exception is generated (usually a good place to free resources like file handlers or database connections etc) ; this gets executed even if we have there's an exception or return statement executed [on when we do a System.exit(); it doesn't get executed]

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