Different types of table join.

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  • Jun 1st, 2005

different types of joins are 
equi join 
non equi joiin 
self join 
outer join

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  • Nov 12th, 2005

dear sangeetha;

can you gve the correct answer

there can be differenet types of joins.can you submit a detailed report on the different types of table joins and the ares of pratical implementation of different joins

a;brief explanination, b;syntax, c;differences between the different types of joins, d;practical examples

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  • Feb 2nd, 2006

1 inner join
2 outer join  i) left outer  ii) right outer  iii full outer
3 Cross join

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  • Sep 14th, 2006

There are 3 types of joins basis on Oracle 8i

Simple join
     1. Equi join : Equi join is one which contains comparision operator '=' in where clause.
     2. Non Equi join: If the comparision operator in the join condition is other than '=' then it is ....

Self join : Joining a table to itself can be done by..

Outer join : To retrieve rows which do not satisfy a query, the outer join concept can be used.

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  • Nov 24th, 2008

In Sybase(T-SQL), there are 3 types of joins
1) Equi Join
2) Natural Join
3) Outer Join (left & right)

Joins based on equality (=) are called equijoins. Equijoins compare the values in the columns being joined for equality and then include all the columns in the tables being joined in the results.
This earlier query is an example of an equijoin:

select *
from authors, publishers
where authors.city = publishers.city

In the results of that statement, the city column appears twice. By definition, the results of an equijoin contain two identical columns. Because there is usually no point in repeating the same information, one of these columns can be eliminated by restating the query. The result is called a natural join.

The query that results in the natural join of publishers and authors on the city column is:

select publishers.pub_id, publishers.pub_name,
  publishers.state, authors.*
from publishers, authors
where publishers.city = authors.city

Outer joins

Joins that include all rows, regardless of whether there is a matching row, are called outer joins. Adaptive Server supports both left and right outer joins. For example, the following query joins the titles and the titleauthor tables on their title_id column:

select *
from titles, titleauthor
where titles.title_id *= titleauthor.title_id

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