If a customer wants a new feature to be added, how would you go about adding that?

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bandana das

  • Jun 14th, 2005

A Requirement Document is prepared based on the new feature. The changes that will be implemented is called a Change Control. Based on the RD,test plans and test scenarios are prepared and they are tested in each build until the application becomes stable. Remeber that its impossible to eliminate all defects but necessary to miminise them

Geeta C

  • Jul 5th, 2005

First of all it should be checked that addition of teh new feature should not make any of the other features non functional. If it is technically feasible to add the new feature then only the team should start thinking further in that direction. If not a work around could be thought of for that feature.  
The existing SRS shold be modified and thereby the FDS (Functional design Specn) and IDS (Internal esign Spec) should be updated. Then finally the implementation of the feature should happen.


  • Jul 14th, 2005

First Dev team do some R &D on required new feature, weather it is feasible or not.. 
If it is feasible then onle we will think further on that,  
We will update our old requirement docs and test plan. 
After that we will create some test scenarios and test cases for testing that new feature, before that we will do some regression testing, ensuring that addition of new feature will not make any existing feature non functioning???.. 

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  • Jun 30th, 2006

In Process of Testing of the Application , any changes or new features are to added.Can Possible by Approval by System Analysist only.

Note: New Coding of Prog., Test Plan, Test Scenario, TS, Change in SRS, BRS,FRS,....... It Long Process.

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  • Jul 10th, 2006

It depends upon the impact on the application. Explain the consequences of changes, like it may affect the project schedule the work which has been done already had to be redone or discarded. As a result other area of the project will be affected and there is affect on the human resources also. But You can convince the customer to keep the requirement for the next build. However if the requirement is very essential from their business perspective then use rapid prototype like screen shots etc to show it to customers about what to expect with the new change. Also explain them about new scheduling and budgetory modifications. Sufficient time for the testing should be a must to meet quality adequately.

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The following will be the process for the new features to be added:

1. The customer will prepare the detailed SRS document for the changes to be done.
2. This draft copy of document will be given to the 'Configuration Management' team.
3. Configuration management team will review the requirement for validitity/feasibility.
4. The document is then given to the development team lead for effort estimation.
5. The effort estimation report (which covers the other effected functionalities(if any)) are provided to QA team.
6. The QA team then prepares and provides the effort estimation report  for testing the new functionality completely.
7. This report is given to the configuration management team, which decides upon the cost estimation for the new functionality to implement.
8. This report is then given to the client for thier review, acceptance & sign-off.
9. If customer agrees, the sign-off takes place.
10. After signoff development team starts coding the functionality and simultaneoulsy QA team starts working upon writing test cases.


  • Apr 10th, 2007

Whenever a customer requests for a new feature to be added, it has to be reviewed for it's impact on the application, schedule, budget etc. The Process of impact analysis will lead to the creation of a report that will then be submitted to the client for review and his approval. Once the client approves the change, and is OK with it's impact on the schedule, budget etc. The change is incorporated in the various artifacts and the application.

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  • May 3rd, 2007

Whenever customer is coming back to the organisation for any changes during the development of the product then we should implement REQUIREMENT MANAGEMENT.

Whatever changes we are going to make, seperate ID will be given for each changes that is called Requirment ID.

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  • Jun 7th, 2007

If a customer want a new feature then first add it and then test that it is making in negative impact on our software or not, if it has some bug then needs to remove it till it is possible. Because many times it is not possible to fix each and every bug due to some reasons like time given for delivery of product etc.

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  • Jun 16th, 2007

yes Mr prasad is correct ans.
First it goes CM OR CCB if they approved then requirement will modified and then change all document. like project plan ,,QA Plan & Test Plan then FDS And IDS .....etc.

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B.Subathra devi

  • Jun 21st, 2007

How can you say that? All the defects cant able to eliminate.
It can be easily eliminated by fixing the defects and solving it properly by using suitable tool (like winrunner).

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  • Jul 9th, 2007

I believe the question is not 'When the client requests to change a feature which was already provided in the SRS', It says when a new feature is requested. Which means that it needs an Enhancement request through BA's, and the BA's will get the FD done after the approval for feasibility. When FD is ready Dev does the coding and Testing team does the testing.

Change requests and enhancements are different.

Please suggest.

Shravan N

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hemanth kumar

  • Aug 10th, 2007

When we develop a test case we built the prototype first and show it to the customer. If customer satisfied with that its done if he wants some changes to be implemented that can be done at this stage.

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  • Jul 12th, 2008

If a feature is added, I would have to add test cases to cover the new feature.  In addition, all of the other test cases should probably be reviewed because they might have been designed using assumptions that are no longer valid.  If this is late in development, I would also warn the customer that this will probably have a serious impact on the reliability of the finished product.  For every feature that you add late in the process, you add many other "features" that you did not intend to add.....

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  • Jul 14th, 2008

Answer  is the process followed in yur company

1 .Prjct based : Here they will handled as releases
2. Prdct based : Here if the customr is vital they release a Patch for this customer.

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  • Mar 12th, 2009

First of all we need to check the new features which we are going to add how it effects the application, analysis has to be made because of adding a new features, then if the risk is low then we can add the new features in the application, or else we can add in next version of the build.

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