Tell me one situation from your last project, where you had faced problem and How did u solve it?

A. The jobs in which data is read directly from OCI stages are running extremely slow. I had to stage the data before sending to the transformer to make the jobs run faster.
B. The job aborts in the middle of loading some 500,000 rows. Have an option either cleaning/deleting the loaded data and then run the fixed job or run the job again from the row the job has aborted. To make sure the load is proper we opted the former.

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a) We had a big job with around 40 stages.The job was taking too long tocompile and run.We broke the job into 3 smaller jobs.After this ,we observed that the performance was slighly improved and maintenance of the jobs became easier.
b) We were facing problems in deleting the records using OEE stage.We wrote a bulk delete stament instead of record by record improved the performance of our job and the deletion time reduced to 5 minutes.Earlier the same job was taking 25 minutes.

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