How did you handle an 'Aborted' sequencer?

In almost all cases we have to delete the data inserted by this from DB manually and fix the job and then run the job again.

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ritu singhai  

  • Member Since Jul-2008 | Jul 5th, 2008

Have you set the compilation options for the sequence so that in case job aborts, you need not to run it from from the first job. By selecting that compilation option you can run that aborted sequence from the point the sequence was aborted.
Like for example, you have 10 jobs(job1, job2, job3 etc.) in a sequence and the job 5 aborts, then by checking "Add checkpoints so sequence is restartable on failure" and "Automatically handle activities that fail" you can restart this sequence from job 5 only. it will not run the jobs 1,2,3 and 4.
Please check these options in your sequence.
Hope this helps.

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mainly sequencers abort due to the error in the job or if the job is in failed or uncompiled state . so check fro the proper run state and also check for any errors and then compile and run

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Have you set the compilation options for the sequence so that in case job aborts, you need not to run it from from the first job. By selecting that compilation option you can run that aborted sequence from the point the sequence was aborted.
Like for example, you have 10 jobs(job1, job2, job3 etc.) in a sequence and the job 5 aborts, then by checking "Add checkpoints so sequence is restartable on failure" and "Automatically handle activities that fail" you can restart this sequence from job 5 only. it will not run the jobs 1,2,3 and 4.
Please check these options in your sequence.
Hope this helps.

The are 2 reasons why the sequencer might get aborted:-
1:- Due to wrong parameters assigned to it.
2:- Due to error in the mapping or the job the sequencer calls

Step1:- for this correct the parameters, recomplie the job(if the parameters are hard-coded) & rerun from starting step
Step2:- For this check the reason for which the abort might be having in the job, correct it & compile the process(both job & Sequencer)
and start the job from point of failure by providing the default parameters or previous aborts.
Staring the job from point of failure will reduce the time of again loading the data if it loaded into any tables)

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  • Mar 26th, 2012

In Administrator we have one add check point.whenever the job is aborted we define the add check points for completed where the job is aborted from that job itself it will run.

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  • May 30th, 2012

To Handle Aborted Sequence These are the steps to be taken: First Add Terminator to Job Sequence and Choose Terminator with Other option(Trigger in Job sequence) ( if job fails it will go to Other link which is Terminator). Now in Terminator we have option " Send Stop signal to other jobs" & "Wait for other Jobs to finish". ( What This will do is it will abort current job but wont send stop signal to other jobs so next time you run it will be shorter time This is helpful when Sequencer runs at night time and in morning it wont take much time to complete.) Now Last but not Least option is in Job Properties Select "Add checkpoints so sequence is restartable on failure" . So Essentially it was Two prong approach to handle Failed sequencer

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Two things needs to be handled when a Job Sequence aborts.

1. We must have an exception handling code that notifies us about the failure
2. When we re-run the sequence after fixing the Sequence, it should be able to start at the point where it failed and should not re-run jobs that have been successfully completed.

To handle issue 1, we need to have a specific Exception handling code in the sequence. So that as soon as a job activity fails, the control would invoke the exception handling code (like sending mail) and would handle the failure. But, when an exception handler successfully handles a request, the Job sequence finishes with status success. So, when we don't have a chance to restart. So, the sequence needs to be aborted even when exception is handled. One way to do this is - add Terminator stage to the end of the exception handler path set "Abort without sending STOP requests" and "Wait for all jobs to finish". This will ensure the sequence will always aborts when it gets into the exception handler.

To handle issue 2, i.e, for the sequence to be restartable after a failure, the following COMPILATION options must be set - Add checkpoints so sequence is restartable on failure (Set appropriate properties in JOB ACTIVITY stage as well).

Also, set "Automatically handle activities that fail" when you don't have any exceptional handling code in your job.
[If these are set at Administrator as project wide defaults, every new sequence job created will have these options SET]

But, even after all these are set, the job activity that has failed may not run. So, set "Execution Action" in JOB ACTIVITY stage to Reset if required then run and clear Do not checkpoint job run.

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