What is MRC and what is its use?

The Multi Reporting Currency Feature allows you to report and maintain records at the transaction level in more than one functional currency. You can do by defining one or more set of books in addition to primary set of books.

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MRC(multireporting Currency) is used for transer the transactions from 1 SOB to another SOB for this following steps need 2 follow:
1.2 sob's repots required 1 primary and repoting

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  • Aug 8th, 2007

We need two set of books one primary and another secondary
1 primary set of books INR
2 secondary set of books USD
Define daily rates
? we have to set up MCR

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MRC is nothing but multiple currency by using the MRC can record and maintain the transaction more than one functional currency
its works at transaction level
in 11i upto 8 currencies we can use
in R12 upto 9 currencies we can use
for mrc we have to create another responsibility and user and assign user to responsibility

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  • May 30th, 2017

Multi Reporting currency ledger is for converting Foreign currency transactions into functional currency.

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