Automation Testing
function NewFunc as integer
dim filenum as long
dim RecBuff as String
Filenum = freefile
NewFunc = false
OPEN InFile FOR Input As #filenum
while EOD(filenum) true
line input #filenum , Recbuff
if instr(ucase(RecBuff) ,(ucase(FindString)) then
NewFunc =true
exit while
end... -
Test Plan for Transactional Banking
Your Team is building Software for Transactional Banking.
It is Critical that if an unexpected event occurs, the software does not fail or suffer any loss of data. Based on the scenario above, which type of testing do you include in your test plan to meet these requirements? -
WLAN Testing Automation
List any tools for WLAN Automation Testing, How will you write Automation script for WLAN Automation?
What Can be the side effects of Using Automation Tools while Testing ?
What Can be the side effects of Using Automation Tools while Testing ?
Explain some observation that to be kept in mind while testing. -
What are the possible senarios to choose that an application can be manually tested or Automated.
What are the possible scenarios to choose that an application can be manually tested or Automated?
Give an example for a Stand alone application and Web Based Application. -
What is the diff b/w jira, bugzilla and TFS(team foundation server)?
I saw couple of answers on the diff b/w jira and bugzilla but they were not satisfying.Kindly provide the relevant answer.
Need example test case.
Im game testing like FB games, now I want to upgrade my testing ability by doing web testing,
Can someone provide an example of:
login like yahoo mail.
or much detailed test case for web application.
and how to provide a test script?does it need a application first(e.g. qtp,selenium)? or it can be done manually? -
Functional testing and integration testing
Can someone describe functional testing and integration testing?
View Sent Mail in MQC 9.0
I recently got a defect assigned to me in MQC 9.0. I select the option "Sent by E-mail to Assigned to" option. I got an Pop up saying Mail sent successfully.
Is there any way u can see/track the mail that you have sent through MQC 9.0?
Please help it is urgent. -
What is shuttling?
Test case template
How to make test case template for drop down box?
Help getting for testing using Chrome Browser , apart from "Inspect element"
We know that "Inspect element helps a lot in developing as well testing. But what are the other feature in chrome which helps me while testing ?
How to check password encryption in cookie?
If we want to check password encryption then how to check in cookie?n is it so that we can check pwd encryption only if we have allowed to get our pwds saved i.e. when msg apperars for the 1st time when we login in a new site or we can check without using that saving pwds by checking in our system.if we have to check in our system (some txt file is there) then how to check encryptionhope i m clear...
Security testing Password Encryption
Is there any way to check whether password is encrypted properly or not with manual testing & not using tools?
Software Compression Testing
What is software compression testing? How to write test cases for Software compression testing?
Test Windows Service Process
Suppose you are assigned to test a Windows service process. The process watches multiple directories (user configured, potentially across local files systems and network shares) for files to appear. As they appear, it notes the information in a database, makes a web service call, and moves the file to indicate that it has been processed. Considering all aspects of testing, give at least five examples...
Using Visual Test 6.0 in Windows7
Does Rational Visual Test 6.0 support Microsoft windows 7 ? It does't work in my case. How can I solve this problem.How can I reuse a Visual Test 6.0 source code in windows7 ?
Validation Plan
What is Validation Plan (Master validation Plan) ?
Types of Quality Control
What are the types of Quality Control?
Testing Interview Questions
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