Desktop Application: runs on personal computers and work stations. so when you test the desktop application you are focused on a specific environment. You will test complete application broadly in cat...
About Standard Database CheckpointsYou can create standard database checkpoints to compare the current values ofthe properties of the result set during the test run to the expected values capturedduri...
Quality Assurance:Definition: to measure the quality of the process to create Quality Product.Software QA involves the entire software development PROCESS - monitoring and improving the process, makin...
It is used to dynamically changing window labels or values.Example:While you are executing the script which contains date field it will show mismatch. Because recorded script contains d...
Jan 11th, 2006
HIREgular Expression is used to map the pattern for dynamically changing windows or objects.
There is no specific definition for ?Java Testing?. As far as I know, it?s just means testing Java related applications. When the applications are developed using different technologies and platforms ...
To check the pages r working with resp to links we'd to check whenthe link is clicked it correct page is opened r not if opened we go for stress,performance,load ...
basically you should connect company to customer then you should tell about intermeiaries used for the purpose & the transactionsfirst company has an database of customers with identificatio...
Nov 7th, 2005
I was asked about the knowledge of billing systems(not telephone billing systems) in a recent interview.i lacked exposure to billling systems. i would be grateful t o anyone who would help me. thank you