QTP Bitmap Checkpoint
Where is the bitmap checkpoint information saved?
Qtp is not capturing page in web applications
Am using qtp 9.2 version.Window applications are working fine.QTP is not capturing the page in web applications when we click on the (add objects to local icon) and objects are not stored in the object repository.Am using IE9 and OS is windows 7.I don't know if something is wrong in qtp or OS settings?please help me to solve this issue.Thanks in advance. -
Sanity Testing
If you have 100 text boxes in a module and you have to do sanity testing. Is it necessary to test all of 100 text boxes or not? How will you test?
Creating Action Template
How do i create an action template? plz explain with an example? ie,whenever we create a new action it should show that information in every new action.thanks
Closing 1 excel when multiple instances of excel are open during runtime in QTP
I have written a VB script to batch run the QTP scripts. My VB script takes input from the "ControlFile" excel to get the name of the test script to open and execute in QTP. So I need to keep this "ControlFile" excel open throughout the execution of all the scripts in the batch. The problem is my scripts open some excel for comparison and when they are closed with appexcel.Quit, even my "ControlFile"...
Hybrid Framework
What is Hybrid Framework and how it is useful? How will you implement hybrid framework in a project?
QTP Batch file testing
I would like to know about batch file testing...can anybody explain me how to create .bat file and run set of tests.
Count the number of objects in a web page
How to count the number of objects present in a web page? How to count the number of radio buttons in a web page?
QTP Window Objects
Name 4 window objects used in QTP
BPT framework
how to drag the QTP code(Actions) to QC BPT components
How to generate Systemutil.run command automatically while recording?
I have QTP 9.2(Mercury) when i record a test the scripts are generated but the very first line (i.e)systemutil.run is not generated and while running the test i get the message as cannot find all programs object parent.
QTP Interview Questions