How to find the particular word in text file and how to split and capture total line of the founded word using vb scripting?
normally has many webtable and we can extract a lot of information using webtable methods in QTP.In this post we will discuss various methods by which we can used for webtable object. HyperLink and click the link and the password is 1234 to get the page .
here i want find the HyperLink and password.
my output should like :.... -
What is the Sales force CRM add-in in QTP 11?
Need the add-in detail for Sales Force CRM add-in in QTP.
How to split the line and capture the line in text file using v script in qtp?
I am facing the problem while working with File system object.
Ex: I have a paragraph in a text file like in given below
HTML normally has many webtable and we can extract a lot of information using webtable methods in QTP.In this post we will discuss various methods by which we can used for webtable object. HyperLink and click the link and the password is 1234 to get the... -
How can we select multiple rows in a webtable?
How can we select multiple rows in a webtable which has no checkboxes to click and select?
Webtable does not have check box to select. Application has pagination done, so per page the webtable shows 500 rows. To select one row, we need to just click on the specific row at any location.
To select multiple rows manually, CTRL key has to be pressed and need to click on required... -
How to reduce the QTP Test Script Execution time?
If the scripts runs for 15 mins, how can we effectively reduce the same test scripts to run in 10 mins time? what are factors will you be consider to reduce the time?
QTP Shared Object Repository
What is the advantage of using shared object repository in QTP?
C++ project QTP Testing
My project is in C++.It is window based application.I want to use qtp to test application.
Please let me know,which free trial version is available and compatible with C++ window application ?
Amrita -
VB Script
If var="a1bc23"->separate this string into two strings like, abc, 123
General run Error
I wrote descriptive programming for textbox and getting general run error in this line "Set base=Browser("Name:=Gmail: Email from Google").Page("Title:=Gmail: Email from Google").ChildObjects(desc)".
How to handle the error.Webtable and Image
I have to perform click on 6 “+” icons on 6 tabs having same alt property and file name and I use INDEX also but I wont help me , so any good idea how to perform click on these 6 tabs,Also Im using below script for these.
Browser(“”).Page(“”).webtable(“innertext”).Image(“alt:=Select to show information”).click
Browser(“”).Page(“”).webtable(“innertext”).Image(“alt:=Select...Analog Recording
In which codition we choose Screen or Window options in Analog recording?
QTP with VBScript
I am a beginner in QTP and I am learning by myself. My question is how to create a script in QTP and then enhance it (the scripts) with VbScripts. I am really confused. Please throw some light as I really want to learn QTP

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