Automate Audio app using QTP
Hi, can any one tell me how to automate computerized generated audio in QTP.
While automating QTP is not recognizing audio action. -
Multiple Browser Tabs Testing
I have opened browser with 5 tabs, and the tabs should be change dynamically, Ii need to close the 3rd tab. How will you write a code for it?
How to find out the regularly changing value in a single line?
How to find out the regularly changing value in a single line? Tell me How many ways are there?
Ex: India having 100 crore population now.
here 100 is changing regularly. How to write the Script for this?Property name of the field in QTP
By Click the WEDBUTTON we will get the WEBEDIT window at the same place of webbutton then how you get the property of that edit object and what is that property.
For Example Enter User name and click on Submit button it turns as text box and asking the age of the user, now tell me the property name of text box and how it will beObject is not recognizing by QTP
Some of the objects like Rich text boxes are not recognizing by qtp, while recording. What is solution for that, if anybody knows please put the solution ASAP.
GetTextLocation method is not working properly
I am searching a word "DR" withing a Winobjetc by using the below given code;Window("Job Console").ActivatestrFind=Window("Job Console").WinObject("WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.").GetTextLocation("DR",l,t,r,b)If strFind=True Then msgbox "Coordinates are:"& l & "," & t & "," & r & "," & b Window("Job Console").WinObject("WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.").Click (l+r)/2,(t+b)/2End IfFor search word "DR"...
Name change dynamically
While trying to pass the pageName dynamically, Why the below code does not work?
Browser("Browser").Navigate linkURL
pageName = Browser("Browser").Page("micclass:=Page").GetROproperty( "title" )
Browser("Browser").Page(pageName).WebEdit("Write something...").set(msg)
Click Dynamically Changing Web Element
I need to click on OK button (QTP - Web element) in a popup. There are many "OK" Buttons with all same properties but with different Index. The index keeps on changing everyday & my scripts fails
How do I click on OK without using Index. There is no other property which is unique for OK in different popups through out my App
MilindMultiple links testing with QTP
If there are multiple links on a web page how can we automate to open those link one by one using QTP?
Record Non-standard Object in QTP
Identify the recording mode, by which you can record the non-standard object in QTPA) Standard recordingB) Analog recordingC) Low level recordingD) None