What are the QTP supported Browser ?
Does anyone know if QTP 2.2 support the following browsers, operating systems and services:Browser: OS: Service:Firefox 2 Mac OSX Safari (419) Mac OSXSafari (312) Mac OSXFirefox 2 Linux i686Opera 9 Windows XPOpera 9 Mac OSXOutlook 2003 Windows XPOutlook 2007 Windows VistaLotus Notes 5 Windows XPThunderbird 2 Windows...
Give one example where you have used Regular Expression?
While validating 'Date format' .
but if the location of excel sheet path changes to for eg:"D:Data"...the script fails as proper excel sheet path is not given..can u plz suggest how to use a environment variable/xml file to remove data path hard coding??">
I m setting the excel sheet path in QTP for importing as : datatable.importsheet "C:Qtpabc.xls" but if the location of excel sheet path changes to for eg:"D:Data"...the script fails as proper excel sheet path is not given..can u plz suggest how to use a environment variable/xml file to remove data path hard coding??
QTP 9.2 supports Internet Explorer 7 browser
Please let me know if QTP 9.2 supports Internet Explorer 7 browser. I have XP operating system, and IE7 on my computer and I tried to practice QTP 9.2 on my PC. It never worked for me. It always gave an error to open the web page. Please advice me.
Parametrize the name field in QTP
I am a new learner in Qtp and Practising it .This is query I have a very basic doubt,I recorded a script in mercury website tours. I wanted to parametrize the name field.when I did it with Global it worked . But every time it logged in and added the users from the data table . I wanted the script to login in Once and add the users.i tried it with the local sheet it did it work.This is the script I...
QTP Interview Questions