QTP Questions
1. Defination of Object repository2. Explain Output co-relation3. Explain Exceptional handling4. Explain Synchronization5. Explain Parameterisation6. Explain Smart identification7. Principles of the QTP8. What are the recording mode in QTP in details, and diffenece between Analog and Low level 9. What is Batch Runner
How to Pass variable in the sql query when creating DB Checkpoint
How can we pass a variable while creating a DB checkpoint. Is it even possible ?I would like to do something likeQTP scriptvariablename=somevalueDB Checkpoint query:select * from table where col=variablenameinstead of doing select * from table where col=123Thank youSairam
Integrate Oracle with QTP
How will you integrate Oracle with QTP and How QTP integrate with application
Getting problem while playback QTP scripts
While play backing the qtp scripts on java application i am facing the different kind of problem.The data is not getting entered into the cells of a particular table which is in application.Ex: JavaWindow("Organization Editor").JavaTable("Record 1 of 1").DoubleClickCell"#1","Note","LEFT"Set Wshshell=createobject("wscript.shell")Wshshell.sendkeys "test"as in the above script the value "test" should...
Introduce New Software
As a QA tester How do introduce your new software?
How to find the Test Result Path at run time.
Hi All,I would like to know, how to get test result path at run time, mean to say in descriptive programming, Is there any method available for the same.I would be grateful to you for your help.Regards,Akshaya Madali
Entering Data problem during playbacking the scripts
I am getting problem while getting scripts updating on new build. the scripts are been recorded in 8.2 qtp version. now i am using 9.2 qtp version.My Qus is while Playbacking the scripts on new build Data in not getting entered in Some cell for ex i hv scripts like JavaWindow("Settings").JavaTable("Record 1 of 8").DoubleClickCell"#8","Name","LEFT"JavaWindow("Settings").JavaTable("Record 1 of 8").SetCellData...
How does QTP identifies the Test objects & Run time objects
In what way QTP identifies the Test objects & Run time objects?what type of objects QTP identifies,Is it Run Time objects or Test Objects?
Debug QTP Automation Script
Have you *personally* debugged/developed any QTP/WR automation scripts using TSL from scratch? If yes explain
Keyword driven framework
Explain about keyword driven framework and it's industry usage with an example scenario
How to pass a key in the query while creating a database check point?
Hi, Would be great if you could let me know how to pass a key in the query while creating a database check point? My key value is stored in a variable in the script.In short, what I want to know is:myVar='keyvalue'select * from myTable where myKey='keyvalue';Instead of specifying the query like select * from myTable where myKey='keyvalue'; in the database checkpoint, I want to use the variable myVar...
Access a table row based on columns value
I have some information in table. for exampleTable table has four columns.It has two rows with following values in each columnscol1 col2 col3 col4val val12 val13 link1val21 val22 val23 link2I have a value stored in the data table as an out put value lets say val21 from an earlier pageOnce I am on this page I want to compare this value to the tables columns values. If I find...
QTP Interview Questions