Encode VB Script
How to encode VB Script?
Objective Data Table
What is the objective data table in test results window?
Low Level Recording
How to use Low Level Recording in QTP?
How to call the library file into the script, without hard coding the path in the script?
When i am writing the Executefile statement in the middle of the script, and while running the script, it is pointing to the first line and displaying message as "Path not found".Should the executefile() statement should be at beginning of the script??
How to test a date with QTP ?
Write some test cases for automation of date in an application ?
Capture Text From Image
How to Capture the text from a varying image in QTP?
How does QTP identifies the object in Low level recording ?
InInterview I faced this problem:In What way QTP identifies the object in Low level recording?I answered in this way,With Location and Index it assigns a unique numerical valuebased on the window object or Desktop to the object,He is not satisfied,He asked at this time ,I Minimized the window,at this time how it will identify?
QTP : Import data from a data source at run time
In my Data Sheet, I want to import Data from a data source at run time. The problems are:1) I go to data sheet and do sheet-->Import-->From Database. Then i write a query to select data. as soon as I finish, the a new column is created and data is fetched from data table. I want this SQL query to get executed only at run time. How do i control when the query gets executed.?2) Every time, a new column...
Synchronization points
Hi,i have to put a synchronization points in web page.my script have to wait until my web page refresh.or my web page status bar should be completes.Plz help for this.ThxPunitha
Step Generator
For what purpose step generator is used?
QTP Interview Questions