LoadRunner scripting - rendezvous point
Hi, we are using LoadRunner 8.0 and we are scripting using Oracle - 2 tier protocol. we want to insert rendezvous point in the script but in scenario it does not recognize the rendezvous point. Let me know how to overcome this and how to enable that rendezvous option in controller.
What is MS-windows.
Win runner used for MS-Window application .
How you develop the database vuser script .
Developing the database vuser script either by recording with load runner vuser script generator (VuGen) or by using load runner vuser script template.
How many types of vuser are available .
There are several type of vuser(GUI ,Database ,RTE(terminal emulator), SAP, DCOME, People soft, java, Baan)
What is GUI vuser and on which platform it will run.
GUI vuser operate graphical user interface application and it can run in either the MS-Windows / X-Windows environment .
What is LR-function.
obtain the information about vuser running in a scenario .
What is run-time-setting.
Run-time-setting include loop.log and timing information.
What the vuser script contain.
The vuser script include the function that measure and record the performance of the server during the scenario.
What is running virtual user graph.
It displays the number of the vuser that execute vuser script during each second of the scenario run. Only running and rendez state are include.(loading, ready and pause are not displayed) .
How many section database vuser script have.
3 section ,written in code that assemble in C, SQL call to the database, written in TSL(test script language).
LoadRunner Interview Questions