How do you change the application title value in the first view on Siebel Web Application.
default is "Siebel Communication 7.8"
How do you update the user keys columns in S_ORG_EXT table using EIM?
Which interface table should we use? How can we identify the rows whose user key columns is to be updated?In which columns in the interface table will we specify the user key value to be updated?
How to configure Association applet?
Hi all,i am new 2 siebeli want 2 know how to configure association appletplease give me steps Advance thanksSivaraj
What is Extension table?
Hi,I want to know What is Extension table?My understand is "base table has default colums. But Extension table is the table in which we can add additional columns other than its base tables columnsIs it correct?s_contact is the base table for the Contact BC.It has some columns like fst_name.last_name,etc...But i want to create Extension table for the contact BC.I believe s_contact_x is the extension...
When will we use local and server database?
Hi,for instance if i need to configure in siebel tools, shall i connect my siebel with local DB or server DBPls tell me When will we use local and server database.Regards Govind
Siebel Support - L2 support
Explain about Siebel Support - L2 support
Siebel S_PARTY Tables
what is the use of S_PARTY Tables ?
Cascade Delete Property for Link
What is the importance of the Cascade Delete property in Link?
Siebel General Interview Questions