Find BADI in Standard Program
How to find BADI in standard program?
API Baseline Date
What is the use of baseline date in API
API Process Robots
What is the meaning of Robots in API Process
SAP Human Resources Objectives and Needs
Describe past experiences interacting with users related to SAP human resources objectives and needs?
SAP System Documentation
Describe your technical and functional experience with SAP system documentation (business process procedure and business process documentation)?
SAP Implementation Management Guide (IMG)
Describe your experience working with SAP Implementation Management Guide (IMG)?
Occurs 0 and Occurs n
What is the difference between occurs 0 and occurs n?
SELECT Data without using JOIN
How to select data from different tables in ABAP without using JOINS?
Cancel with core and canel without core
What is the difference between the steps "cancel with core" and "cancel without core" in the transaction sm50? What are the changes we can find in both the cases?
Transfer of Data
What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to SAP?
ABAP Reports Restrict User
How do you restrict particular user to execute your executable program?
Create Check Tables
How to create Check Tables?
Module Pool Program
How to set forground color of fonts during screen designing?
Data Archiving
What is Data Archiving in SAP What is its need and How will you carry out the DATA archiving?
SAP R/3 Interview Questions
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