Temporary table and SQL view in peoplesoft
Difference between temporary table and sql view in peoplesoft
How do you bring advanced search page before normal search page ?
As in when we open job page, we find advanced search page instead of normal search page. how to do that
Can the output of a sql query be stored in a variable using peoplecode?if so how it be done?
i want to store the output of a query say select EMPLID from Job;the output of this column should be stored in a variable. how it can be done?
Application Package
What is meant by application package?
How do you store related field data into database ?
Is this possible.. If yes, Please explain
Can a PeopleTools 8.4 and a PeopleTools 8.1x database run on the same machine?
Yes, databases can co-exist on the same physical machine. In most cases, thedatabases themselves can exist within the same RDBMS, however, it isimportant to verify that the database version required by PeopleTools 8.4 is thesame as for the current PeopleTools 8.1x implementation.
Does Application Messaging work between 8.1xand 8.4 applications?
Application Messaging is used by PeopleSoft applications to communicate withone another. This is true not just for 8.1x and 8.4 applications, but also betweenan 8.1x and an 8.4 application. For example, the HRMS 8.3 applications, whichare based on PeopleTools 8.15, can communicate with Financials 8.4applications, which are based on PeopleTools 8.4, using Application Messaging.If specific issues materialize...
PeopleTools Interview Questions