Does Application Messaging work between 8.1xand 8.4 applications?
Application Messaging is used by PeopleSoft applications to communicate withone another. This is true not just for 8.1x and 8.4 applications, but also betweenan 8.1x and an 8.4 application. For example, the HRMS 8.3 applications, whichare based on PeopleTools 8.15, can communicate with Financials 8.4applications, which are based on PeopleTools 8.4, using Application Messaging.If specific issues materialize...
Will the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture, now that it embeds BEA WebLogic and IBM web sphere, work with my other corporate web servers and tools?
One of the core values of the PeopleTools development group is investment protection. The time,money and resources that you may have already invested in licensing another web server, trainingdevelopers and administrators, building and deploying other web applications will not becompromised by this decision.How is this accomplished
What HTTP servers and Java servlet engine combinations are supported with PeopleTools 8.4?
All popular http servers (reverse proxies) are supported. Please refer to the platforms database onCustomer Connection for specific information on current certified platforms. You may find this athttp://www.peoplesoft.com/corp/en/iou/platforms/index.asp
Sendkeys from client like Windows to get data from Peoplesoft.
How to use sendkeys from client like Windows to get data from Peoplesoft. What I need to implement from side of peoplesoft server...?
Both BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere have the ability to plug in to many different web servers. Does PeopleSoft support the web servers that they plug into
BEA and IBM provide plug-ins for many of the leading web servers. This allows the customer touse their own HTTP web server and WebLogic’s or WebSphere’s Java servlet engine. PeopleSoftuses this plug-in capability to support IIS. We have no reason to believe that there will be anyissues with other web servers that WebLogic or WebSphere are able to work with through theirplug-in architecture, but PeopleSoft...
Can a PeopleTools 8.4 and a PeopleTools 8.1x application server run on the same machine?
Yes, both PeopleTools 8.4 and PeopleTools 8.1x application servers can run ona single machine. It is important to ensure that there are no port clashes betweenthe installations.
How should Web Application Servers be usedwith PeopleTools 8.1x and PeopleTools 8.4
The PeopleSoft Internet Architecture uses a web application server and anHTTP server. PeopleTools 8.12 and above include both BEA WebLogic andApache with Jserv. With PeopleTools 8.4, both BEA WebLogic and IBMWebSphere are bundled. Apache with Jserv is no longer a supported webapplication server combination. Customers can choose which web applicationserver to run during installation time.In a mixed...
Are disconnected mobile applications supported in PeopleTools 8.1x?
No. The PeopleSoft Mobile Agent architecture, which is used to supportdisconnected mobile applications, is only available in PeopleTools 8.4. ThePeopleSoft Mobile Agent is dependent upon certain core technologies that werespecifically developed for PeopleTools 8.4.
How does the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal workwith 8.1x and 8.4 applications
There are several scenarios that may exist when customers use the PeopleSoftEnterprise Portal with a mixture of 8.1x and 8.4 applications. Specificinformation on the use of the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal in a blendedenvironment will be available in a forthcoming white paper, which will beavailable on Customer Connection.In general, the recommendation is to use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 8.4with...
Will Tuxedo continue to be used in a PeopleSoft/web sphere or PeopleSoft/WebLogic environment
Yes. WebSphere or WebLogic are used as the HTTP server and servlet engine. They are not usedas middleware with the PeopleSoft Application Server. Tuxedo is always used with PIA,regardless of the HTTP server or Java servlet engine.
Is web server load balancing supported with PeopleTools 8.4?
Customers can set up clusters of BEA WebLogic or IBM WebSphere servers to do web serverload balancing. In such scenarios, if an instance is down, requests are automatically routed toanother instance. For more information on high availability and clustering with WebLogic,WebSphere and other web servers.
What version of the Java Servlet API are the PIA Java Servlets coded to with PeopleTools 8.4?
For the servlet layer on the web server, what version of the Java Servlet API are the PIA Java Servlets coded to with PeopleTools 8.4?
The PIA Java servlets in PeopleTools 8.4 are coded to JavaSoft's Java Servlet API 2.0 and arefully compatible with Servlet API 2.2. It should be noted that the PeopleSoft Internet Architectureis supported only on the BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere servlet engines.... -
Why is PeopleSoft no longer supporting Apache JServ?
Apache JServ was a servlet engine that was supported in PeopleTools 8.1x. This support has beenremoved from PeopleTools 8.4 for several reasons:v JServ is no longer an active product and is in maintenance mode and there are no longer anynew official releases.v Our customers have exhibited a desire to use commercial products for mission-criticalenterprise web application servers rather than open source...
Is WebSphere certified on PeopleTools 8.1x?
No. IBM WebSphere is certified on PeopleTools 8.4 only.Customer wishing to use IBM WebSphere with PeopleTools 8.1x may take advantage of an IBMWebSphere for early adopters program, created and managed by IBM. Further information aboutthis program can be found in the whitepaper The IBM WebSphere 8.1x Early Adopter Program.Are there additional license requirements for IBM WebSphere
PeopleTools Interview Questions