Worklist for a particular user contains marked worked and reassigned buttons. The reassigned button is set from?
Appdesigner -> worklist definition
You just finished customization work that involved the creation of many new objects. You must now migrate these objects from your development database (source) to a testing database (target) to conduct more elaborate testing.Referring to the above information, why would adding your objects to a Project streamline the migration to a new database?
Projects provide the ability to migrate all objects at once or each object type individually. *
Which one of the following is not a valid PeopleSoft query type?
Message agent queries
The following is an entry from the application reviewer LOG File: start Field=PERSONAL_DATA.EMPLID-RowInit Temps=1 Stack=4 Source=233What does the Source=233 parameter in the above LOG file entry identify?
The statement being executed is line 233 of the PeopleCode program.
Where do you create the process security groups?
Security Administrator 20.
SQL Queries on PS_STAFF table?
3 Questions on this table with different queries and results
Peoplesoft Interview Questions