Reversing String in Oracle without using reverse function
How do I reverse a string using only Oracle SQL without using the reverse function??
Highest Average Salary
Construct a query which finds the job with the highest average salary
How to retrieve 2nd highest sal in each departement from emp and dept tables using GROUP BY?
EMP table (empno,deptno,sal)
DEPT table(deptno,dname)
i need Deptno, Dname, 2nd_highest_sal_in_dept
in output.
I can easily do this using row_number, Rank,Dense_rank etc but I am unable to do this using Group By.
Please suggest if this can be done using Group By.Need to find the list of employees who is from Finance department having 1200 pincode
Employee table has : Emp.Name, Emp.ID, Dep.ID & Location ID
Department Table has: Dep.ID, Dep. Name
Location table has: Location ID & Location Pincode
Need to find the list of employees who is from Finance department having 1200 pincodeWhich datatype is used for storing graphics and images?
LONG RAW data type is used for storing BLOB's (binary large objects).
How to validate a column, which takes only number and character value?
Is there any datatype in oracle to check whether a inserting value is at least a numeric and a character?
Display Middle Record
How to display middle record in a given table?
What is a view ?
A view is stored procedure based on one or more tables, it’s a virtual table.