View sysdate
How can we view sysdate for n number of times
What is CBO and RBO? What is diff between these two?
Oracle long datatype
I'm using oracle9i to create a table which stores lyrics in long datatype. But if i store a long string of text and display it from the table, it displays only 80 chars. So someone help me how to store the whole lyrics txt file
Arrange Date Week Wise
How to arrange date in week wise like from Monday to Sunday?
Students SQL Query
these are the columns in the exam_report tableEXAM_CODE,STUDENT_ID,USER_ID,FIRST_NAME,STUDY_CENTER,COURSE,PAPER,APPEARENCEnow i want to know how many student have passed at the end of the yr for each paper? and if they r failed i need to know there mark of the last appearance for each paper(ie)he might have appeared 5 times but still he may have failed and i want the mark of the 5 appearance
Oracle SQL Interview Questions