Date functions
How to know the days or months or years between two employees in emp table.
Datareader Dataset
How to fill Dataset from Datareader?
What is SQL Tuning?
What is SQL Tuning? How does it work? Thanks
Between Operator for Date Fields
What is the disadvantage of using "BETWEEN" for date feilds
Security for SQL Queries?
Can you provide any security for SQL queries? If Yes, How?
Access data from Database
In which manner the SQL commands access the data from database?
Types of Databases
How many types of databases are there? What are they?
Print number of columns and column names
How to print the number of columns in a particular table also the column names without using JDBC Result set meta data using pure SQL code.
Table and Column Level Locks
How to handle the table level locks and column level locks?
Lock Row of a Table using SQL
How to lock a particular row of a table using SQL?
Ampersand in SQL Output
How to display & in Oracle SQL output
Date tracking of tables
How to date track 2 tables to a previous month, using SQL code
Retrieve Names from Table
How to retrieve names from table starting with a particular character as a first letter, using with substring, instring without using LIKE function.
Date Conversions
How to convert any kind of date that comes in any format from the user to 'yyyymmdd' in Oracle?
Open a Excel File directly from SQL command line
How to open an excel sheet directly from the SQL prompt?
Pair Wise & Non-Pair Wise Columns
What are Pair Wise & Non-Pair Wise Columns?
SQL Database Name Length
What could be the maximum size of a database name in MSQL?
Average Monthly Salary
Write a query to display the average, monthly salary bill for each job type within a department.
Department Wise Average Salary
How to query the average salary for all the departments employing more than 3 people?
Co-Related Sub Query
What are the disadvantages of co-related sub query?
Oracle SQL Interview Questions