User defined exception waste
In which section of a PL/SQL block is a user defined exception waste?
What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE ?
TRUNCATE commits after deleting entire table i.e., can not be rolled back. Database triggers do not fire on TRUNCATEDELETE allows the filtered deletion. Deleted records can be rolled back or committed.Database triggers fire on DELETE.
What is difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2 ? What is the maximum SIZE allowed for each type ?
CHAR pads blank spaces to the maximum length. VARCHAR2 does not pad blank spaces. For CHAR it is 255 and 2000 for VARCHAR2.
List all customer (user id, name, and e-mail), number of charging
List all customer (user id, name, and e-mail), number of charging, total charging,number of transaction and total number of transaction value?If u have these tables:1- 'Credit_card'columns: credit_number,type,value,Customer_ID.2-'Coupon'columns: Coupon_number,value,password,Customer_ID3-'Customer'columns: Customer_ID,Fname,Mname,lname,E_mail,password,bdate,tot_trans,mobil_no,hom_no,ex_id_date,current_Balance.
When ON DELETE CASCADE is specified ORACLE maintains referential integrity by automatically removing dependent foreign key values if a referenced primary or unique key value is removed.
SQL*Plus interview Questions