Execute Analyze Table Command
In which situation whether peak time or off peak time you will execute the ANALYZE TABLE command. Why?
Schema Procedure and Data
Schema A has some objects and created one procedure and granted to Schema B. Schema B has the same objects like Schema A. Schema B executed the procedure like inserting some records. In this case where the data will be stored whether in Schema A or Schema B?
Oratab file
What is stored in Oratab file
Oracle Table space used and unused space
I have to check used space/unused space in table space. Which view /command will provide me the desired answer.
Oracle Snapshot too old error
What is Ora1555 error. Snapshot too Old error. Explain in detail.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical database management system in comparison with RDBMS. Discuss types of applications suitable for hierarchical DBMS and RDBMS.
Changes in Database buffer cache
What are the changes that happen in Database buffer cache(List of all changes in DB Buffer Cache)
Disk (sort) Ratio
The ratio of disk (sort) is high. Is that good or bad? Why? How will you reduce disk sort?
Determine Number of Blocks Corrupted
You have a database. You have a datafile and some blocks are corrupted in the datafile. What statement will you issue to know how many blocks are corrupted?
Overcome Alert Log Error
Show one instance when you encountered an error in alert log and you overcome that error. What actions you took to overcome that error.
Compression Parameter
You have a database of 2GB. Can you convert the database to 1GB. Which compression parameter will you use?
Datafile Size
What is your datafile size? How long it can go? What is the max limit to which you can extend?
Standby Databases
What is standby databases? Difference between Physical and logical standby databases
Export Query
How to write script for export backup in shell.
DBMS_meta_data Parameter
DBMS_meta_data. This parameter is very usefull. What you infer from this parameter. What info you will find in that. explain in detail.
Flash Back Query
What is a flash back query? This feature is also available in 9i. whats the difference between 9i and 10g (related to flash back query).
Oracle DBA Interview Questions